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trapp|kurva        1663        trick|mixer

de-escalate; (minska, dämpa) to soft-pedal;

(trappa upp) to escalate, to step up

trapp|kurva step-like curve; ~plan i (bygg.)


trappskivedrift; svarv med ~ belt pulley lathe

trappstegsformering; i ~ (mil.) in (by)


trasproletariat lumpen proletariat

trassatkontor drawee office

tratt|grammofon acoustic gramophone; ~valv

(bygg.; strålvalv) fan vault; (nischvalv, tromp)


traumatolog subst, (ölycksfallskirurg)

traumatologist; ~i (olycksfallslära) traumatology

travlare <i> ( [långfärds]</i> resenär, yrhesresenär;

upptäcktsresande) traveller

trav|lopp harness race ; ~sport trotting, harness

racing; ~tävling (Br) trotting (US harness)


TRC (Tekniska Röntgencentralen AB) the

Technical X-ray Centre, Ltd.

trebetygskurs (ung.) honours degree; läsa en

~ (ung.) to read for honours

tre|boll (golf) three-ball; ~dagars vecka

three-day week; ~deciljon (en etta följd av 48

nollor; Br) tredecillion

tredje; ~ dignitet third power; ~ frihetsflygningar

(i lufttrafikavtal) third freedom flights; ~

graden; ekvation av ~ graden cubic equation,

equation of the third degree; ~ omslagssida

(reid.) inside back [cover]; ~ potens;

upphöja ett tal till ~ potens to raise a number to the

third power, to cube a number; ~

utvecklingsdecenniet 1980—90 the Third Development

Decade, DD3; ~ världen (utvecklingsländerna)

the Third World, World III

tredjedelsår (tertial) one-third of a year;

fourmonth period

tredjegenerations|dator third-generation

computer; ~reaktor third-generation [nuclear

power] reactor; high-temperature reactor,

HTR; (äv.) Mark 3

tredjegrads|ekvation equation of the third

(3rd) degree, cubic [equation]; ~kurva curve

of third degree, cubic [curve] ; ~polynom

cubic (third degree) polynomial

tredjelandsmedborgare (om t.ex. en svensk som

arbetar i ett amerikanskt företag i England) third

country national

tredäcksborrvagn (tunnelborrvagn) three-deck

jumbo, three-decker, jumbo with three


treetex® träfiberplatta) treetex

trefaldig; ~ bindning (kem.) triple bond

trefas system three-phase system

trefilig; ~ väg three-lane (odd-lane) road

treglas|fönster, ~at fönster triple-glazed

window (casement [window])

tre|kamp (sport.) triathlon, ~kandidats val

(pol.) three-cornered contest (fight);

~kons-hogtalare (diskant- och bashögtalare med

mellanfrekvenshögtalare) three-way speaker;

~maktsöverläggningar three-power talks;

~partival (pol.) three-cornered contest (fight); ~

partskonferens tripartite conference

tresidig; ~ pyramid triangular pyramid; ~t

tandät frimärke stamp with perforation on

three sides u

treskiftssystem three-shift system

treskiktad; ~ plywood three-plywood, triplex;

~ skiva sandwich board

treskiktsplatta sandwich panel

treskivig; ~t block triple block

tre|skrovsbåt trimaran, tri; ~stegslampa

three-way bulb

treställig (matem.) three-digit, three-figure;

three-place; triadic

trevare subst, (fig., vanl. pl.) feelers, overtures;

(äv.) tentative suggestion; /ra/x- tentative

peace proposals; göra (skicka ut) en ~ till

to put (throw) out a feeler to; to make

overtures to

trewell (papp) triple-wall corrugated board

trevärdig; ~t grundämne triad; ~ koboltförening

cobaltic compound

treårs|avtal three-year agreement; ~dag

triennial ; ~period triennium [pl. triennia]

TRF (Trafikanternas Riksförbund) the National

[Swedish] Association of Road Users; Tri

(Trafiksäkerhetsverkets Arbetsgrupp för

Trafikinformation till Invandrare) the Working Party

on Traffic Information for Immigrants of the

National [Swedish] Road Safety Office

tri (trikloretylen) tri, trichloroethylène

triac subst, (elektron.) se triak

triad (tretal) triad; ~isk triadic; ~ism triadism

triak subst, (elektron.) triac; triode

alternating-current semiconductor switch; trigger triode;

industri~ (elektron.) industrial triac

triangel; likformig ~ congruent triangle;

likvinklig ~ equiangular triangle; ~samtal

(tel.) triangular call; ~val (mellan 3 kandidater)

three-cornered contest (fight)

tribo|elektricitet (friktionselektricitet)

triboelec-tricity; ~fysik (friktionsfysik) tribophysics;

~kemi (friktionskemi) tribochemistry

tribolog (friktionsexpert) tribologist; ~i

(friktionslära) tribology; (smörjningsteknik)

lubrication engineering, tribology; ~isk tribological

tribo|luminiscens (friktionsluminiscens)

tribo-luminescence; (äv.) piezoluminescence; ~

meter (friktionsmätare) tribometer

trick|avdelning (TV etc.) special effects section,

animation department; ~bord (TV etc.)

rostrum (cartoon camera) bench, animation

board (stand), stop-frame rostrum; ~effekt

(TV etc.) special (stunt, cartoon) effect

trickfilm rostrum (special effects, animated)

film, animation; ~tecknare animator,

cartoonist, cartoon-film artist

trick|grafik (TV) animated caption;

~inblandning (TV etc.) animated intercut; electronic

inlay, superimposition

trickkamera (TV etc.) rostrum (bench) camera;

~man (TV etc.) rostrum [camera] operator,

animation cameraman, film animator

trickkopiering animation superimposition

trickkopieringsmaskin (TVetc.) optical effects

printer, aerial-image printer

trick|mixer (TV; kontrollbord) video (vision)

effects mixer, animation (special effects) desk

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