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Nöja, Oaktadt, 259
mend. Det går mgen n. på honom, he is of necessity. -T&m, n. defenee in oase
in want of nothing, he is in no need, no of necessity, self-defence,
fear of him. Det har ingen n., no fear of nöja sigy t;. r. Låta n. ng, Nöfas med,
that, there is no danger. N-en har ingen v, d, to he contented (with)^ to take up
lag^ necessity has no law. lAda n., to (with), to content one’s self (with), -ak-
sufifer want, to he in need [want]. Hafva tig, adj, satis&ctoiy, satisfeu^tiye. -ak-
af n-m, to have occasion for. Vara af tigt, adv, satisfactorily, -d, cui;. con-
n-en, to he needy, -ankar, n. sheet an- tent, satisfied; cheerful. -6, n. delight,
chor. -dop,’ n. private haptism, baptism pleasure; contentment, satisfaction. Be-
in the case of necessity. -IIblII, n. case reda n., (förorsaka) to give pleasure;
of necessity [need], pinch, -ga, v. a. to (tHUtälla) to prepare pleasure. Vara al-
oblige, to compel, -l^alp, /. shift. -Ig, la tUl n-«, to please every body. Oöra
adj. necessary, requisite, needful. -11- någon till n-«, to please one. Gör mig
dande, adj. needy, necessitous, indig- det n-^ do me that pleasure. Unna n. t,
ent. -lög^, /. white lie, shift, -pen- to take delight in. Hafva n. af, to de-
ning, m. spare-money, -rop, n. call for rive satis&ction from, -sam, adj, pleas-
help, ciy of distress, -saka, v. a. to ne- ant, delightful, agreeable, pleasurable;
cessitate, to compel, to force. Jmf, nöd- facetious, -sainhet, /. pleasantness, de-
ga. Ja^ var n-d att göra det, I was fidn lightfiilness.
to do it. -signal, m. signal of distress, nöt^ n. neat, black cattle; (fig.) dunce,
-skott, n. distress-gun, shot for help, -aktig, cufj, dull, sluggish, -aktighet,
-spilta, /. trave, travise. -staid, adj. f. dullness.
distressed, destitute, at a pinch, -torft, nöt^ /. nut, filbert. En hård n. att bitapd,
f. want, exigence. Ha sin n., to have a tough business, -bmn, adj. n. brown,
as much as one wants, -torftig, adf. -knappare, m. nutcracker, -käme, m.
needful, necessary, -tvungen, adj. ne- n. kernel, -olja, /. n. oil. -skog, adj.
cessitated, forced, compelled by neces- hazel wood, -slorika, /. nut-cracker.
sity. -tvång, n. constraint, necessity, nöta^ v. a. to wear. Nött genom gnid-
-vändig, adj. necessary, needful, indis- ning, worn by rubbing, -as, v. d. to be
pensable, essential. Det n-a, se -torft. worn, -ning, /. wear, friction, detrition,
-vandighet, /. necessity, exigence, -v&r- rubbing, fretting.
Ja sig, V. r. to defend one’s self in case
O, en nekande hopsättnings-parHkd, som oafkortad^ adj. undiminished, not short-
i Engdskan motsvaras af un-, in-, de-, ’ ened.
dis-, mis-, not, without. oaflåtUg^ adj. incessant, uninteimitting,
o! int. o! oh! unceasing.
oadeligy adj. plebeian, not noble. En o., oafslutaiäy se oafgjord.
a commoner. oafsättUgy adj. (om varor) unsaleable,
oafbxnteiiy adj. unbroken; (omtid,verh’ unmarketable, not vendible; (om ömhets-
samhet) uninterrupted, unintermitting. män) that cannot be dismissed, inamove-
oafdelty adj. undivided, not separated, oafvisUgy adj. unrefiisable. [able.
anparted. oafvfind. adj. fixed, unremitting.
oafgjord, adj. undecided, unsettled. oafytterlig, adj. not alienable, inalien-
oafhfindeligy adj. inalienable. able.
oafhängigy adj. independent, -het, /. oaktadt, adv. notwithstanding, in spite
independency. of, though, although.
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