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bonad) lace under a woman^s cap; (loip-
non) piece of ordnance, gan, cannon;
(pjes) piece, play. Sl& % «-n, to break to
[into] pieces. Ett s. pd vagen^ a part of
the way. I rnan^a «-n, in many points
[respects]., Ett s. ahälnij a piece of a
rogue. Ett dakt 8. (qvinfolkj, a shrew,
a wicked creature. Tre s-n oxar^ three
head of oxen. Tre «-n glcu^ three glasses.
Tio rdr s-t^ ten rixdollars a piece [head].
Passa i «., to agree (tvith), to correspond
(with), -ebruk, n. gun- [cannon-] found-
ry, -eglnggy m. loop-hole, -egods, n.
piece-goods, -e kola,/, cannon-hall, -e-
port, m. port- [cannon-] hole, -e propp,
m. tampion, tompion. -e skott, n. can-
non-shot, -e vis,. ckit/. piecemeal, byre-
tail, piece by piece, -gjutare, m. cannon-
founder, -gjuteri, se -ebmk. -jtinka-
re, m, cannonier, gunner.

stjrfy adj. stiiF, hard, inflexible, stubborn.
Bli «., se styfiia. -bent, adj. stiff-leg-
ged, -bentbet, /. stiffness in the legs,
-bet, /. stiffiiess; inflexibility, obstinacy,
-kjortel, m. hoopipetticOat. -lemmad,
adj. strong-limbed, -munt, adj, hard-
mouthed, -na, V. n. to grow stiff, to
stiffen, -sint, adj. stubborn, obstinate,
stiffiiecked, pertinacious, -sintbet, /.
stubbornness, stiffiiess, obstinacy, -t,
adv. stiffly, btrongly. Arbeta «., to work

stjrf-baniy n. step-child, -broder, m.
step -brother, -moder, /. step-mother,
-morsviol, /. pansy, hesuii^s-ease. -97-
skon, se balfoyskon.

Mtyfver^ m. stiver.

Styggy adj. (ftd) ugly; (elak) bad, wick-
ed, foul, naughty, firoward; (retsam) wag-
gish, naughty; (osnygg) dirty, nasty,
filthy, -as vid, t/, d. to abominate,
-else, /. abomination, detestation, ab-
horrence, -bet, /. ugliness; wii^edness,
abominableness; naughtiness.

stylta, /. stilt. €rå på BbyUoT^ to walk
upon stilts.

stymmelsey /. indication, sign.

stympa^ v, a. to mutilate, to curtail, to
shorten, -are, m. a good for nothing
fellow, huddler, bungler, poor wretch.

wtyngf se sting.

Btyr^ Hålla % «., håUa s. pd^ to keep one
in check, to check, to keep within bounds.
HdUa sig i s.^ to he quiet. Sätta of ver
«., to squander (away), to run through.
-a, V. a. (skepp) to steer; (leda) to con-
duct, to direct, to guide, to manage; (be-
herska) to govern, to rule, to reign, to
sway. 8, siu sinne, to moderate one’s
passions, to keep one’s temper. 8. sm
vrede, to’ control [curb] one’s anger. S.
sig, to moderate [govern] one’s self, -are,
m. se -esman. -bord, n. starboard.
-bordsvakt, /. starboard-watch, -e, n.
helm, rudder, -else, /. government, di-
rection, management, guidance, adminis-
tration, -esman, m. chief, ruler, com-
mander, governor, leader, manager, guide,
director, -flög, m. (^t.) dogvane. -hjul,
n. steering-wheeL -Una, /. wheel- [til-
ler-] rope, yoke-line, -man, m. mate.
Öfver-s., chief- mate. Under-s., second
mate, -manskonst, /. art of steering,
-nlng, /. steering, -jiinne, m. tiller.
-sel, /. check, command, awe. H<m kan
ieke haUa s. pd dem, he can keep them
under no command, he cannot keep them
within their bounds [in order].

styrka, v. a. to strengthen, to fortify, to
enforce, to confirm, to, invigorate, to abet
to comfort. 8. krafterna, to recruit [in-
crease, restore] the strength. S-^xnde 01^
dd, restorative, -a, /. vigor, strength,
might, force, power, -dzyok, m. cordi-
al, hearty draught.

stay V, n. to stand, to stay; (befinna sig)
to be; (vara rak dl. styf) to be stiff, to
be straight; (ha bestdnid) to stand, to
last; (om ur éfc.) to stand; (am hundar)
to point, to find. 8td oeh sofva, to sleep
standing. Lata std, to let alone, to leave.
8td brud, to be married. JSröUopet stod,
the wedding was celebrated (at). Dtt
star skrifvet, it ia written. Sjpanmålen
står högt, com sells at a high price. Det
står er fritt, you are free [at liberty] to.
8td ensam, to stand by one’s self, i^
stod hdrdt, it was with difficulty. Det
står icke rätt, it stands not right Dtt
står icke rätt tiU, there’s something wrong

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