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(1904) Author: Gustav Sundbärg
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - First part - III. Constitution and Administration - 3. Municipal Administration. By G. Aldén, Deputy Editor, Stockholm - Poor Relief

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the relief of the poor. 257

Tab. 44. Paupers fully provided for, in 1885. By age and civil conditions.

Age. Population, end of 1885. Paupers fully
provided for. Per cent of
population. Fully provided for per 100 men within each group. Fully provided for per 100 women within each group.
[-Harried. Widowers.-]
{+Har- ried. Widow- ers.+} Single. [-Married. Widows.-] {+Mar- ried. Wi- dows.+} Single.

I 0 15 years.. 1,538,438 15,680 102 — — 1*06 — — 0’97

15/25 » .. 822,485 2,410 0 29 008 — 084 Ooi 1’21 0*28

125 35 > .. 644,661 1,942 0-80 0 02 0 27 057 002 2 18 064

35 45 ... 524,202 3,146 060 007 0 67 250 009 386 210

45 55 ... 456,312 4,395 0-96 0 23 1 82 542 014 2*92 3-48

55 65 » . 388,864 6,439 166 0 54 2 88 9 82 0 84 2-76 5 99

6575 » .. 224,058 10,016 4-47 1 89 580 1440 183 576 1320

75, co > .. 83.749 11,248 13-43 6 70 1370 2750 550 14-50 2950

Total 4,682,719 55,216 1 18 " " " ! " i ’

The Statistics relating to the Relief of the Poor in Sweden go back to
1805; in their present developed form, however, only from 1874. In 1899,
there were 6,253 establishments of different sorts for relieving the poor, which
are capable of containing 63,365 persons in all. The total number of persons
in receipt of parish relief since 1876 is shown by Table 43, which also exhibits
the total expenses of such relief. In both cases the data received at the beginning
were less ample, hence, the increase in the table is partly apparent. An
augmentation, however, did actually take place in the extension of Poor Relief in the period
1881/90, chiefly in consequence of the very great increase in the number of persons
in more advanced age, of which mention has been already made. Of låte years the
number of paupers has again diminished, in consequence of the improved economic
conditions in general and, perhaps, also through the »Poor-farms» (see above).

In 1894, 6-3 6 per cent of the population under the age of 15 were enjoying
relief, 2-26 per cent of unmarried men, 4’5 o percent of unmarried women, 2"91
per cent of married men, 3’02 per cent of married women, 13"5i per cent of
widowers and no less than 23-u, or nearly a fourth, of widows. These figures
comprise the total number of persons in receipt of parish relief, even those who
only obtain minor and occasional assistance. With regard to the fully provided
for, a special enquéte was made in 1885, certain results of which are reported
in Table 44. According to this enquéte, at least 4*7 9 per cent of illegitimate
children have to be maintained (besides such as receive minor assistance), but of
legitimate only 0’64 per cent. Fixity of residence, even of the humblest kind,
always shows as a necessary consequence a decreased need for poor relief. It
must be observed that the figures in Table 44 are undoubtedly a trifle too low.
In 1899, the total number of those wholly supported by the parish amounted to
73,994. Those boarded-out were 31,947 (three-fourths of whom were children),
those in hospitals 7,218, and those supported in their own homes 150,517.

B) Private Charity is very extensive in Sweden and has at
command, also, considerable donations; in the year 1895, about 77 million
kronor. A certain part of these funds, however, is administered by
communal authorities, in which case the money distributed will, at least
in part, be reckoned in the figures given above in the matter of public
poor relief.

Smeden. 17

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