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of the different Läns, which have the right to issue special laws for separate
water-courses, including the lakes, or for the whole of a larger or smaller portion
of the Län after the hearing of the fishery-owners concerned and the fishery
officials. The decision of the governor can be appealed to the King.
Fishery Administration
has been gradually developed without any integral plan, and can as yet not be
said to be fully carried out.
During the eighteenth century the care of the fisheries rested upon the Board
of Trade. Towards the end of the century, there was appointed during the
great herring-period in Bohuslän, a »superintendent of the herring-fisheries>,
but when this period came to a close, the post was no longer filled, and the
fisheries were long in want of any official. About 1850, the governor of
Bohuslän appointed a superintendent of the sea-fisheries of the province. At
about the same time, the Academy of Agriculture appointed a traveling teacher
in fish-culture, etc., and in 1864 a fishery superintendent with two assistants,
who were paid by the State. In 1890, when the administrative duties of the
Royal Academy of Agriculture were transferred to a special office, the Royal
Board of Agriculture, one of its members was appointed, under the title of
Fishery Inspector, to take over the principal duties of the fishery superintendent
and to be chairman in fishery matters in the Board. The assistants became
officials subordinate to the Board. Thus we have in Sweden at present the following
fishery-officials of the State: a fishery inspector; two assistants, the first and the
second fishery assistant; a teacher in fish-culture, etc.; besides an assistant official,
the fishery stipendiate. Besides, there are a fishery intendant in Bohuslän as
well as fishery overseers and fishery instructors in most of the other Läns, paid
by local corporations, usually with a subsidy from the State. Since 1885, a
commercial fish agent, with support from the State, has been appointed first in
London and then in Berlin to promote the sale of Swedish fishery products and
to give information in regard to the fish market.
For the promotion of fishery industry, the Riksdag of 1892 granted a
loan-fund of 100,000 kronor to procure the fishing inhabitants access to cheap loans
(instalment loans for at the most eight years at 3 per cent) for buying boats,
building smaller smokeries, salting works, and such like. This fund, which during
the last few years has been raised a couple of times and now amounts to about
620,000 kronor, is very much used. The loans, which during the first year are
free of interest and then at a rate of 3 and amortized during 10 years, are
granted, with the Agricultural Societies as negotiators, after application, for the
West coast, to the Governors, and for the remaining Kingdom to the Board of
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