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(1904) Author: Gustav Sundbärg
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - Second part - XIII. Internal Communications - 1. Railways. By G. Welin, Bureau Director, State Railway Board

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New railway lines opened in each of the years 1856/1899.*

Kilometer*. Kilometers.

of construction or have been conceded. In proportion to the population
Sweden has more railways, than any other country in Europe can show.
For every ten thousand inhabitants Sweden has 23-7 km. of railway,
while Denmark and Switzerland, which come next to us, only have 12,
the average figure for the whole of Europe being somewhat more than 7.

With regard to the sparse population of our country, it is natural
enough that circumstances appear somewhat different when the network
of lines is compared with the area. For every ten thousand hectares
Sweden has 2s/* km. of railway, by no means insignificant when the
average figure for Europe is about 3; but Sweden’s figure is here
chiefly caused by the enormous distances in North Sweden. If the six
Läns situated farthest to the north are omitted, the figure rises to 5 km.
per ten thousand hectares, which is about the same as in Italy. And
Malmöhus Län even reaches to 16 km. on the same area, which is more
than the average of the British Isles (11 km.) and approaches the state
of things in Belgium (22 km.). The mining districts of Central Sweden
are also particularly well provided with railways.

Of the whole length of railway lines in use in Sweden at the end
of 1903, 4,206 km. were Government lines and 8,166 km. were Private
lines (compare Table 152, page 977). Our most important lines at present
are the following:

* In the years 1900,1903 the length of new lines amounted to respectively 595, ’271,
377 and 422 kilometers.

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