- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / First part : land and people /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Linguistic Experts and Translators:

Linguistic Expert for the main part of the work:

Charleston, Sydney, M. A., Lector in English at the Royal University of

Linguistic Experts and Translators for particular articles:

Adams-Hay, E., Lecturer and Translator, Stockholm.
Allen, E. P., Translator, Stockholm.

Fearenside, C. S., M. A., Lector in English at the High School of Commerce
in Stockholm.

Fuhrken, G. E., Ph. D., M. A., e. Lector in English at the University of

Grove, Grenville, Archivist at the British Legation, Stockholm.
Harlock, W. E., M. A., Lector in English at the High School of Commerce in

Järte, O., Actuary at the Royal Social Board, Stockholm (cf. above).
Lundberg, Hj., Clerk at the National Association against Emigration, Stockholm.
Martin, L. C., M. A., Lector in English at the Royal University of Lund.
Sampson, George F., Official at the British Legation, Stockholm.
Savage, W., Translator, Stockholm.

Sjöstrand, E., Ph. D., First Actuary at the Royal Social Board, Stockholm
(cf. above).

Thörnberg, E. H., Author, Stockholm (cf. above).
Wackrill, Ellen G., Teacher of English, Stockholm,
and others.

Furthermore, most of the authors and a number of other experts have kindly
assisted the Editor with suggestions and advice in the matter of terminology, etc.

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