- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / First part : land and people /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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The Weights and Measures employed in the present work are, as a rule,
those of the Metric System.


Great Britain and Ireland America

1 meter (m) 3-281 feet 3-281 feet

1 kilometer (Jem) = 1 000
meter (m) 0-G21 mile 0-621 mile
1 hectare (har) = 100 ares (ar) 2-47 acres 2-47 acres
1 sq. kilometer (sq. 1cm) 0-386 sq. mile 0-386 sq. mile
1 cubic meter (cub. m) 35-32 cubic feet 35-32 cubic feet
1 liter (I) 0-2201 imp. gallon 0*2271 Winchester

Ion (dry measure)

1 liter (I) — 0-2642 old wine gal-

lon (fluid measure)

1 hectoliter (hi) = 100 liters (I) 22-01 imp. gallons 22-71 Winchester
gallons (dry measure)

1 hectoliter (hi) — 26-42 old wine gal-

lons (fluid measure)
1 hectoliter (hi) 2-75 bushel 2-84 bushels

1 kilogram (kg) 2-204 lbs 2-204 lbs

1 quintal (q) = 100 kg 220-4 lbs 220-4 lbs

1 ton = 1000 kg 2 204 lbs 1-102 short ton

A register ton = 100 Eng. cubic feet = 2"832 cub. m.

The Swedish monetary unit is the Krona (plur. Kronor) = 100 ore.
The Swedish Krona is equivalent to 1-10 shillings or 0-268 dollar. It also
corresponds to 0-667 Dutch Guilder, 1-124 German Marks, 1-32 Austrian
Kronen, 1-39 Francs, and 0-52 Russian Rouble.

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