- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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shipping in general.


Some important Swedish Shipping Companies (end 1913).

Shipping Companies No. of Vessels Gross Tonnagi
Ångfartygsaktiebolaget Tirling, Gothenburg....... 20 69114
Stockholms rederiaktiebolag Svea, Stockholm...... 74 64 880
Rederiaktiebolaget Luleå,—Oloten, Stockholm...... 16 59 175
Rederiaktiebolaget Nordstjernan (Johnson Line), Stockholm . 16 49 353
Rederiaktiebolaget Trans-Atlantic, Gothenburg....... 9 34346
Aktiebolaget Svenska ostasiatiska kompaniet, Gothenburg . . 6 25 379
Ångfartygsaktiebolaget Thule, Gothenburg......... 11 16 345
Förnyade ångfartygsaktiebolaget Svenska Lloyd, Gothenburg 12 13 977
Rederiaktiebolaget Henckel, Malmö.......... 9 13 756
Trelleborgs ångfartygs nya aktiebolag, Trälleborg..... 11 13 064
Angfartygsaktiebolaget Svithiod, Gothenburg........ 8 9 812
Aktiebolaget Svenska Amerika-Mexiko-linien, Gothenburg . . i 9 330

On the whole, it may be said of the Swedish shipping industry, that it
has more and more succeeded in asserting itself in the rivalry for
longdistance shipping, and that it has substantially succeeded in getting into
its own hands Sweden’s sea-trade with foreign countries — something
which it had failed to do during a succession of years. For the promotion
of the shipping industry, too, the State has tried to intervene, and also
the Commerce and Shipping Committee, mentioned in another connection,
has taken the initiative in reforms. Thus, in the years 1904 and 1905,
the State formed a loan-fund of 10 million kronor for the assistance of
the shipping industry, and more recently the State has granted subsidies
in support of regular steam-ship lines (see below).

Shipping in General.

The entire shipping (home and foreign) of the Swedish ports amounted,
in 1912, to 319 786 vessels entered and cleared, of a total of 51 802 208
tons. These figures for home shipping include all vessels of 10 tons and
over, but not the local traffic in and about the respective harbours
themselves. The above figures embrace 253 236 steam ships, of a tonnage
of 48 124 620 tons, which corresponds to about nine-tenths of the sum total.1

As is well known, a great obstacle for Swedish shipping is the fact
that, during a great part of the year, the harbours in the more northerly
parts of the country are ice-bound. In South Sweden, on the other hand,
it may be said that, generally speaking, the shipping is open practically
all the year round. A comparison with earlier times, however, shows
that the time during which shipping is held up by ice has, on the whole,
grown shorter. This is chiefly due to the increased use of steam ships
and the building of stronger vessels, which, here and there, are specially
intended for winter traffic. The most important towns have provided
themselves with special ice-breakers.

Some information with regard to Sweden’s ports and docks, her canals
and fairways, is given in special sections in the following pages.

1 The figures are given as the sum of those given in the following pages. According to
another method of calculation, the entire shipping, in 1912, is represented by 309 652 vessels
with a total of 54 000 020 tons.

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