- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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canals and waterways.


Photo. K. Sidenbladh, J:it.

The Södertälje Canal.

Waterways. Sweden has countless waterways, if one includes under
that term all the smaller water routes which Nature has created and
which art has here and there improved.

No exhaustive data are procurable with regard to the waterways of Sweden.
On the other hand, the Väg- och Vattenbyggnadsstyrelsen has compiled statistics
with regard to the waterways that have been constructed or improved with
State aid. It is true that this excludes such important waterways as, for
instance, the entrance to Gothenburg, which is maintained by that City, and
the approaches to Stockholm from the sea (except as regard the channel at
Kodjupet near Vaxholm). Nevertheless an extract from this said compilation eked
out by the latest information obtainable from the same source, has been inserted
here, as being of no small interest for the subject in hand (Table 120).

One of the groups of waterways included in the table consists of those which
do not communicate with sea. We note in this respect chiefly the busily
plied waterway communicating with the Fryken lakes in Värmland.

Another group is formed by waterways, abridging the distance between
waters previously connected with each other, and which are chiefly intended to
provide facilities for the coast shipping to pass within the cover of the islands,
avoiding the risks of the open sea. Such are, for instance, the Väddö
waterway in the Uppland skärgård,1 and the Albrektssund waterway in the Marstrand
skärgård. The Väddö waterway, which connects Ortalaviken with Bagghusfjärden
has a very ancient history. It was rebuilt to a depth of 3’i meters in 1898—1904.

The Albrektssund waterway affords facilities for sailing within the shelter
of the islands almost the whole way from Gothenburg to Strömstad. Formerly

1 »Skärgård» = a coastline splittered in numerous islands.

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