- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Table 120.

Canals and Waterways of Sweden in 1913.


Year of Con- Costs of Con- Length in kilometers Depth meters Width L 0 c k s
A. Canals. struction of present Canal struction in kronor Total Artificial at Bottom in meters Number Length in meters Width in meters Depth in meters
Trollhätte Canal........ 1838-1844 5 393 181 81-5 80 3<T 11-9 16 32 0 71 3 0
Göta Canal.......... 1809- 1832 15 690 000 189-7 86-2 30 14 3 58 320 7-1 30
Södertälje Canal........ 1806—1819 834 750 51 21 3-G "vV 11-9 * 38-6 8-6 3-6
Stockholm Lock........ 1845-1850 1 106 265 o-i 0-1 , 3-6 t–- 9 5 1 45 0’ 9-5 36
Hjälmare Canal........ 1819—1830 1 500 000 64-1 8’5 21 « 10’7 „ 9 32 l 71 2-1
Eskilstuna Upper and Lower . . (1855-1860) 285 400 10-7 1-8 v 2 5 - 7-7 153l < and > 1 951 2 35-6 (7-8 f 2 5
Strömsholm Canal....... 1842-1860 4 257 260 100-5 14-4 | minimum 1 1 15 / 31 201 53 1-5
Dalsland Canal and Silarna
Cross-Canal ............ 1865-1869 1 449 265 253-9 7-9 1-9 4-6 > 28 208 4-2 1-8
Stora Le-Öster......... 1910— ca. 370 000 21-5 2-6 20 46 2 22-6 4-2 1
Snäcke Canal......... 1872-1874 43 861 17-4 o-l 2-1 42 1 20 8 4-2 21
Säffle Canal and Byälven waterway 1866—1870 371 000 90-9 12-8 2-1 4f 7-7 1 320 7-8 3 0
Kinda Canal.......... 1865—1871 1 293 822 80-2 26-9 I minimum \ 1 1’5 / 53 15 25-5 4-9 1-5 !
Åker Canal.......... 1883-1886 165 888 10-7 3 7 2-1 8-9 1 27-6 7-4 2 1
Örebro Canal......... 1886—1890 539 025 1-5 2-0 2-2 . v -fa. « • / minimum \ 1 8-9 j 1 321 7-1 2-2
Others2............ 810 361 1658 7-5 11 .
Total 34110078 1093 G 184-6 178 1 I












1 By the nse of a pontoon in front of the luck-chamber the available length of the lock-chamber can be increased to 58’6 meters. If necessary
the length can be brought up to 70 5 meters, by employing both pontons, that on the Mälaren and that on the Saltsjön side. — ’ Six in number.

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