- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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Table 120. (Continued.)

Canals and Waterways of Sweden in 1913.

B. Waterways.––

1. Not Communicating with Sea.

Waterway along the Fryken Lakes ................................1852 12 330 74 8 0 6 1’48

Tisnaren and Fjällnaren Lakes..........................1910 145 900 9 4 2 4 150 6 00

Others............................................................■__229 636 94-7 j 96 _■


Total 387 866 178 9 12 6

2. Abridging Distance between Waters previously Connected.

Väddö Waterway..................................................1898-1904 1382 334 14 9 7 0 3 10 1000

Albrektssnnd Waterway............................................1905-1909 225046 3-2 2’3 4’00 20 00

Waterway through Kalmar Sound..................................1898—1904 530 000 5’9 1’3 6 00 : 80 00

Others............................................................•_1 555 275 _■_ I

1 j

Total 3 G92 655



3. Communicating u-itli Sea.

Waterway to Luleå.................................................1888—1892 411275 8 0 1-6 7 50 30 00

> » Gävle................................................1891—1899 441295 10 7 l o 650 45-00

» Uppsala ..........................................1841—1857 122 984 546 8’0 238 1336

» Enköping............................................1833—1836 25 500 38 38 238 2 97

. Köping..............................................1855—1858 84 450 33 33 297 1188

Arboga River............................................1855—1860 109 770 16 0 4 8 2’82 17 81

to Norrköping..........................................1850—1856 161 916 11 6 11 6 4 31 20-78

» Uddevalla............................................1874—1875 208134 42 03 594 23 75

through Brandalsund....................................1887—1888 10 735 0 2 0’2 6’O0 30 00

Others............................................................■_896 052 249-6 37-4 ■ j

Total 2 472111 362 0 I 72 0

Year of
construction Latest period Cost of
construction in kronor Length in kilometers Depth in meters 1. w, 1. Width at Bottom in meters
total artificial

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