- Project Runeberg -  Sweden : historical and statistical handbook / Second part : industries /

(1914) [MARC] Author: Joseph Guinchard
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x. internal communications.

is intended both for passenger- and goods-traffic, is about 7 km long and
connects the town of Hälsingborg with the fishing-village of Råå and the
watering-place of Ramlösa. On this line, too, there is considerable
passenger-traffic, which, in the years immediately succeeding the
electrification of the line, was increased by 50 %.

The electric railways between Gothenburg and the seaside-place of
Långedrag (5 km), and that at Lidingön (about 4 km), are to be considered
more as continuations, the former of the Gothenburg tramway, with which
it is, too, to be altogether united, so as to form one company, and the
latter of the Stockholm tramway system, which runs its trams over the
line in question. The Stockholm—Saltsjön (Saltsjöbaden) Railway (15-2
km) is electrificated since 1912, 13.

The above mentioned lines and line-sections have been built for service
with continuous current. As we mentioned above, however, experiments
with good results have been made on the State Railways with the
employment of one-phase, high-frequency, alternating current; a number of
private lines have also directed their attention to this system. Hitherto,
however, only one private railway has introduced electric trains with
such currents as the motive-power, viz., Mellersta Östergötland Railway
on the 8 km -long line-section, Klockrike—Borensberg. The power is
supplied from the Motala Ström Kraftaktiebolag’s station at Nääs.

Lake Torne träsk, in Lappland.

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