- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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of equinox. The daily revolution of the planet Venus accord
ing to the common opinion is 23 hours, see Cassini, Gregory,
Keil, Whiston. According to the observation of the author,
however, it lasts 24 days and 8 hours, or 584 hours. The
planet Jupiter, however, revolves more quickly than our earth.
The planet Venus is removed from the earth about 8000 of
the earth’s semi-diameters.
Concerning the learned men of Italy the following statement
is made in the Bibliothèque Italique, for the year 1730, part III,
[Vol. IX, p. 187 ] : Bonav. Cavalieri is said to have first invented’
the calculus of infinites published in a book, in 1653, with
this title : Geometria indivisibilibus continuorum nova quadam
ratione promota. The same is almost confessed by M. Fonte
nelle ; some attribute it to Newton, and others to Leibnitz.
The former of these, however, confesses, that this is due to
M. Viette. Cavalieri’s disciples wrote the same thing; as Pietro
Mengoli in 1659, in a work entitled : Geometria speciosa ele
menta ; and likewise Etienne de Angelis, who wrote on the in
finite parabolas. Afterwards Grandi also wrote concerning
"The Infinites of Infinites;" and subsequently others, as Aless
andro Marchetti, Paolo Mattia Doria, Giacinto Cristofori,
Antonio Monforte, Francesco Spoleti, Giuseppe Sassi, Lorenzo
Lorenzini, Count Fagnani, and many others skilled in that
In hydrostatics Marquis Poleni wrote concerning structures
castella) through which the waters of rivers pass, the sides of
which structures converge ; he made also new experiments on
flowing water, and on the forces of percussion ; further Thomaso
Narducci, and Antonio Michelotti who treated of the separation
of fluids in the living body, and [who wrote also against the
book of Jurinus, which bears the title]* De motu aquarum
fluentium (On the motion of flowing water); observations were
likewise made by Corradi and Manfredi.
In dioptrics Giovanni Rizzetti invented many things ; he
also called attention to many errors in Newton.
With respect to astronomy, geography, and navigation there
were not many Italians who cultivated these sciences ; still
See Bibliothèque Italique, Vol. IX, p. 201.

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