- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 205.] 73
impressed on slate ;* I saw also other kinds of minerals, pyrites
from silver ore imbedded and involved in common limestone.
September 2. From Dresden I journeyed to Leipzig,
where I arrived on September 4.
October 5. A beginning was made with the printing of
the Principia. Six sheets were printed this week. May Heaven
favour it (
faveat numen) ! The Leipzig fair commenced on
the same day.
March 1. I journeyed to Halle where I arrived in the
evening, and stopped at the inn The Golden Star.
March 3. I visited Prof. Herman Lang, who is the pro
fessor of physics and mathematics, and who extended to me
every civility. He showed me his cabinet of curiosities, and
presented me with several petrified objects and other things.
At his house I saw that green ink which vanishes in the cold,
and re-appears in the heat.
March 4. I called at Magister Semler’s, where I saw very
many things connected with the magnet ; the declinations of
the magnet according to the method of Halley, with the in
struments ; and its inclination according to his own method,
drawn on the same map, which follows in a straight line the
like declination.
Also many other things, as the construction of a most
perfect stove ; a little stove is in the interior, and a casing
on the outside ; and between the two the air circulates, and
passes out at the top. At Prof. Lang’s I also saw how coal
was introduced into a stove on two wheels, and afterwards
drawn out again ; likewise a plough of a peculiar form ; besides
many other things.
In the orphan asylum (Waisenhaus‡) I saw a curious
* An engraving of this specimen, the original size, may be seen in
Vol. III of Swedenborg’s Opera Philosophica et Mineralia, p. 169 ; see
also Swedenborg’s letter to Councillor Trier, in Section XI.
This part which is not in the printed copy of the "Itinerarium,” is
found on p. 214 of the original codex ; it is contained in the photo-litho
graphic copy of the same, Vol. III, p. 49.
The celebrated institution founded by Francke in 1698.

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