- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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In the gallery itself are many curiosities : the signature of
Queen Christina, when she visited the Capitol ; and opposite to
hers that of an English queen. The most interesting object
was a statue in bronze representing the she-wolf suckling
Remus and Romulus, with her hind-leg struck by lightning, as
is reported by Cicero. The fasti consulares, i. e. a list of those
who had been consuls, one half of which has been preserved,
is likewise exhibited. All the measures, viz. mensuræ Romanæ,
are likewise preserved in a square stone of marble. Many
beautiful paintings were exhibited ; their number confused me
so much, that I cannot recollect the most important among
them. In the immediate neighbourhood is the Palazzo del duca
Cafarelli ; in the garden is a large heap of stones, which is
said to have been a tower, or rather a Colonna rostrata, erected
in honour of the first conqueror of the Carthaginians.
October 2. I visited the Churches of Gesù and S. Ignazio ,
where sculpture and painting are admirably blended on the
ceiling and on the walls. The chief object is the chapel of
S. Ignazio ; the saint, of pure silver, is behind a painting
which can be lowered ; * angels are there adorned with genuine
stones ; below, under the altar, are his remains ; beautiful sculp
tures are on the sides, and columns of lapis lazuli. The church
belongs to the Jesuits. Afterwards I was in the Church of
[SS. Luca e] Martina , which occupies the site of a former
Temple of Mars, of which some remains are still visible ; others
maintain that it was the office of the Secretary of the Senate
it is very near the Capitol. The tomb of Martina is under
the church; it contains many ornaments and fine statues. On
the other side are specimens of the Academy of Sculpture and
Painting, which are fine. The altar-piece representing St. Luke
is painted by Raphael of Urbino.
October 3. I took a view of the Theatrum Marcelli, which
was built by Augustus in honour of Marcellus, his nephew,
* After the order of the Jesuits was abolished by a papal decree in
1773, the silver statue is said to have been replaced by a silvered egy of
the saint in relief.
The Academy of San Luca, which was established in 1595, is very
near in the Via Bonella.
Swedenborg calls him Augustus’ sonson, i. e. grandson, the Latin

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