- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doo. 206.] SWEDENBORG’S TRAVELS IN 1738. 121
the son of his sister Octavia ; it is large and can accom
modate 60,000 persons ; it is built in the form of an amphi
theatre. It belongs now to the Orsini family ; the Cardinal
Prussoli is said to reside in it at present.
The Isola Tiberina (the Tiber island) is 425 feet [paces ?]
long and 50 feet [paces ?] wide ; it contains the Church of
St. Bartholomew, in which the apostle is buried , and which
is built on the ruins of an old Temple of Esculapius. On the
beach are seen the ruins of a Templum Fauni. The island
has two bridges ; one is called Ponte Sestio, the other [Ponte
de’] quattro capi ; the former was repaired by the Emperor
Valentinian. On one side of these bridges may be seen the
Ponte Senatorio, built by Flavius Scipio; the senate crossed
over it, when it consulted the Sibylline books ; it is now called the
Ponte S. Maria and is half broken down ; ruins of other bridges
may likewise be seen. On the other side is the Ponte Sisto ;
the old bridge, called Pons Janiculensis, was in the direction
of the Porta Aureliana ; it was rebuilt by Sixtus IV. In its
neighbourhood are those who rebelled against the Neapolitan
recruiting officers ; likewise the Jews.
October 4. I was at the Villa Borghese, where there is
a wonderful collection of statues, ancient as well as modern,
of emperors and many others, together with urns, vases,
columns of rare stone, tables, etc. Of ancient statues there
is one that was found in the Temple of Victory, which is a
female figure reclining on a bed ; on the outside is Curtius
on horseback plunging into the chasm [ in high relief] ; a gla
diator in a fine attitude, with several others that need not be
enumerated. Among modern statues Bernini’s Daphne and
some others are the finest I have yet seen. The building itself
is surrounded with ancient and modern sculptures, and numer
ous columns are dispersed over the garden. The garden and
park are as magnificent as if the place were the residence of
a king; it was all the work of Cardinal Scipio Borghese,
whose statue in marble may be seen in two places. There
word nepos, which he evidently translates, meaning both nephew and grand
son; but it is clear that Marcellus was the nephew and not the grand
son of Augustus.

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