- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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interior which is the influx of God’s Spirit,* is constantly with
man. This [i. e. the interior] is sensible of every least degree
of its exaltation ; wherefore I was thinking, that if I have
heavenly joy, why should I seek after worldly, which in com
parison is nothing, is inconstant, pernicious, rebellious, and
142. By various circumstances I was led into the church
belonging to the Moravian Brethren, who maintain that they
are the true Lutherans, and that they feel the influx of the
Holy Spirit, as they tell each other ; further, that they have
respect only to God’s grace, to Christ’s blood and merit,† and
that they go about in simplicity. On this subject I shall speak
more fully some other time ; for as yet I am not allowed to
join their brotherhood. Their church was represented to me
three months ago just as I saw it afterwards ; all were dressed
there like clergymen.
143. June 11X12. I was thinking about those who resist
the Holy Spirit, and about those who suffer themselves to be
led by it. There appeared to me a man in white with a
sword, another went to meet him, but was wounded by his
sword ; he renewed the contest, when he was very severely
struck about the ears and temples. Another came and fought
with him; he also was pierced so that blood appeared. I had
a long spear, and was thinking that if he should come towards
me, I would hold that before me; but just at the time when
he was not far from me, I saw him cast away his sword, and
go his way. As I was wondering at this, I perceived that
one was going before me, who was offering his sword, and
was willing to give it up, and surrender at discretion. This
was the reason the other threw away his sword.
144. June 15X16. The 16th was a Sunday. My former
life was represented to me, and how afterwards I walked where
there were precipices on all sides, and how I turned away
from them. I then came into a glorious grove, with most
beautiful fig-trees in all directions in vigorous growth and
arranged in order, on one of which the withered fruit seemed
See Note 165, iv.
See Note 161, viii.
† See Note 165, vi.

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