- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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320 [Doc. 245.
upon them the warning, that they should carefully watch over
themselves and their hearers, and that, in case they find any
thing erroneous obtruding itself upon them, they immediately
make a report to you on the subject. And, finally, we desire
to impress upon the Bishop, and in case of his absence upon
his substitute, that he regularly and frequently inform himself
as to the manner in which theology is taught in private and
in public, in the gymnasia and in schools.
"All of this those whom it concerns have to carry into effect.
And we hereby commend you to the grace of God Almighty.
"The Council-chamber, Stockholm, January 2, 1770.
The King’s letter caused several resolutions to be passed
by the Consistory of Gottenburg. A circular letter was sent
to the clergy of the Diocese, containing the requisite warnings
and monitions ; and although in the Royal instruction not a
single word about the suppression of Swedenborgianism is
contained, Dr. Ekebom, nevertheless, gave utterance to this
idea ; notwithstanding the objection of most of the members of
the Consistory that nothing had as yet been proved, either in
Stockholm or Gottenburg, which deserved the epithet of heretic
al and false or which showed that Swedenborgianism had been
Doctor Beyer now voluntarily furnished the information,
that he had had a hand in the composition of the "New
Essays towards a Collection of Sermons " (Nya försöken
till en Hand-Postilla), and that they might be regarded as
his work, provided exception be made of the evening sermons,
which were furnished by the Lector and Magister Gothenius ;197
as was likewise admitted by that gentleman. Dr. Beyer also
acknowledged the above-mentioned Dictata as his own, so far
as their contents were concerned, provided the grammatical and
orthographical mistakes, the improper punctuation, the broken
connection, and other faults of rhetoric be not imputed to him.
About this time Swedenborg wrote the following letter to
one of his friends in Gottenburg, Mr. Wenngren,195 who was
one of the town-councillors.

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