- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 245.] 321
"Esteemed Friend,
"I received your letter containing the notes
respecting the boy who can cure diseases. I cannot express
myself at present on this subject, because here as well as in
other parts of the country, the cause of religion is agitated
by the subject of my inspiration, which would enter in some
small measure into this matter also.†
"Within the last few days the venerable House of the
Clergy has arrived at a conclusion in respect to that part of
the action brought before them which concerns me alone.
Whether Dr. Ekebom¹79 is as much pleased with the result
as he has hitherto been, may be best found out at Gotten
burg. Clergymen, and others also, will perhaps by letter give
a definite account of this result in the course of next week.
Among his party there have been some grievous slanderers,
whose utterances fell like fire-balls from the clouds and became
extinguished. I remain
[Your most obedient servant,]
"Stockholm, January 18, 1770."
But to return to Doctors Beyer and Rosén. The author
of "Nya Kyrkan" says (p. 28) : "Before the Royal Resolution
[No. M] arrived at Gottenburg, it was preceded by a rumour,
that the public teacher who had promoted the circulation of
Swedenborg’s views, and who professed them, had been sen
tenced to be removed from office and exiled;" and this re
* The Swedish original from which the above translation has been
made was printed as Letter XII in the " Samlingar för Philantroper" for
1788. The first English translation, which was subsequently introduced into
the English and American editions of the "Swedenborg Documents," ap
peared on p. 220 of the " New Jerusalem Magazine" for 1790.
Further particulars concerning this boy may be seen in Document

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