- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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[Doc. 245.
no answer, for the judge is angry. He has scourged without
law and without judgment a Roman’ (Acts xvi, 37). What
shall I reject? Swedenborgian ideas, or statements which are not
approved, and which must not be inquired into ? What shall I
reject ? None of God’s declarations, and no part of ’our most holy
faith’ (Jude 20) ; but Swedenborgian ideas, Swedenborg’s whims,
the creations of his brain and his perverted teachings.
"Be merciful, O King, and listen to the language of my
heart! I never judge of doctrines by visions, but the reverse.
I have dreamt no dreams, and abhor all idle talk. One thing,
however, seems astonishing to me, and difficult to understand,
how in ancient times persons believed that spirits could speak
with men (Acts xii, 15; xxiii, 9).
"Being a subject I lay my hand on my mouth, and yet I
know that Paul was ’caught up’ (2 Cor. xii, 2), and that

heaven was opened
’ for many (John i, 51 ; Acts vii, 56) .
"Why then should visions and spirits be ’foolishness’ to
us, as the ’ crucified Christ was unto the Greeks’ (1 Cor. i. 23),
and as the letter is to freethinkers ? An extraordinary sign
appears; it is our duty to discern’ it (Matt. xvi, 3) ; and if
it is really a fact that spirits or angels have spoken with
Swedenborg, I am not disposed to fight against God (Acts
xxiii, 9); nor am I willing to curse him whom God hath not
cursed’ (Num. xxiii, 8).
"And withal none is infallible, ’none good and wise but
one, that is, God’ (Matt. xix, 17 ; Rom. xvi, 27) .
"Away with a false spirit of compromise ! away with idolatry !
The Teacher who taught with authority’ (Mark i, 27) , ’ who
received honour from no man’ (John v, 41), the ’ruler of my
faith’ (2 Cor. i, 21), He shall decide.
" How can ye believe, which receive doctrine (mening) one
of another, and seek not the doctrine that cometh from God
’ (
John v, 44)? -’Christ is my Master
’ (Matt. xxiii, 8),
’Scripture is my test
’ (Symbolical Books, p. 572), ’doctrine is
my lamp’ (Ps. cxix, 105) ; this also is my ’palladium,’ the
only image which has ever come down from heaven’ (Acts
xix, 35). Ought we not to think of human writings in a human
fashion, and to worship God as Paul has done?
"Behold, then, I believe all things which are written in

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