- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 245.] 351
the Law and in the prophets’ (Acts xxiv, 14), If, therefore,
’the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel,
nor spirit,’ I ’ confess both’ (Acts xxiii, 8). And for this I
stand and am judged’ (Act xxvi. 6).
"And this is the doctrine with respect to spirits which is
condemned by the Consistory, a doctrine which comes accredited
by Scripture.
"The prophet, however, discovered vanity in what is written
by ’the scribes’ (Jer. viii, 8). If the King grant me to con
firm my declaration before a legal tribunal by clear references
and lawful arguments, I will make it manifest that it is one
thing ’to break the tradition of the elders’ (Matt. xv, 2, 6),
and quite another ’to walk aside from the rule’ (Phil. iii. 16).
"If ’Abraham,’ according to Paul, ’was justified by faith’
(Romans iv, 3), and according to James ’by works ’ (James ii,
24), Emanuel gets ready his harrow, and, ’far from teaching
for doctrines the commandments of men’ (Matt. xv, 9), preaches
that ’the Lord is our Righteousness or our Justification’ (Jer.
xxiii, 6), and is full of zeal against a wrong understanding,
but never against faith.
"Let Scripture be interpreted by Scripture, and no empty
word will be discovered therein! Let unity and purity
’ be
respected, which are demanded by Paul (Eph. iv, 3, 6) ; let
us worhip ’ one God
’ (Isa. xlv, 21 ), and a ’ Trinity
’ in Him
(Coloss. ii, 9) ; one God ’who dwelleth on high’ (Isa. lvii, 15) ;
one Lord, the Saviour, who has gained the victory (Ps. cx) ;
one Lord, who is the Spirit
’ (1 Cor. iii, 17) . John exclaims,
He is Love’ ( 1 John iv, 8, 16) ; and Paul, that ’He was in
’ (2 Cor. v, 19). Our cause speaks for itself, and ’we
see light in the light of Him who is true’ (Ps. xxxvi, 9 ;
1 John v, 20), who is known every where and praised with
out end; whose ’ second appearance’ is expected (1 Tim. vi, 14),
with ’ peace upon Israel’ (Ps. cxxv, 5). "JOHN ROSEN."
The author of "Nya Kyrkan," in publishing for the first
time this intrepid utterance of Dr. Rosén, says: "When
Paul in former times defended Christianity before Agrippa
and Festus, the last King of Israel is reported to have
said to the apostle of the Gentiles, ’Almost thou persuad

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