- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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written ; and I could have said more, had it been permitted.
When you enter eternity, you will see every thing, and then
you and I shall have much to talk about."
4. When I asked him whether he was willing to receive
the Lord’s supper? he replied, " With thankfulness ;" and then
he added, that my question was very opportune (at det var
väl påmint); and although, being a member of the other
world, he did not need this sacrament, he would still take it,
in order to show the close relation which exists between the
church above and the church here below; and he then asked
me whether I had read his views about the sacrament of the
altar (the communion)? I then asked, whether he acknow
ledged himself to be a sinner? He replied, "Certainly, as long
as I carry about this sinful body. " With much devotion, fold
ing his hands and uncovering his head, he read the confession
of sins, and received the holy sacrament. Afterwards, from
gratitude, he presented me with a copy of his larger work,
the Arcana Coelestia; of which only nine copies remained
unsold, which were to be sent to Holland.
5. When I visited him another time, while I was in the
hall and going up stairs, I heard him speaking with the
greatest energy, as though he were addressing a large company ;
but as I came into the ante-chamber, where his female attendant
was sitting, and asked her who was with Assessor Swedenborg,
she replied, "No one ;" adding that he had been speaking in
this manner for three days and nights. Upon entering his
sleeping room, he bade me welcome with great calmness, and
asked me to take a seat ; he then told me that for ten days
and nights he had been tormented by evil spirits whom the
Lord had sent up to him ; and that never before had he been
infested by such wicked spirits ; but that now he was again
in the company of good spirits.
6. While he was still in health, I came to him once with
the Danish pastor; when he was sitting and writing at a
round table in the middle of the room, with the Hebrew
Bible before him, which constituted his whole library. After
greeting us, he pointed to a place opposite and said, “Just
now the apostle Peter was here and stood there ; and not
very long ago all the apostles were with me ; indeed, they

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