- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 267.] 559
often visit me." In this manner he always expressed himself
without reserve ; but he never sought to make proselytes.
7. That upon which he was engaged at the time, he said,
was to be a demonstration from the writings of the apostles,
that the Lord was the only and true God, and that there is
no other besides Him.
8. Upon being asked several times why no one besides
himself enjoyed such revelations and intercourse with spirits,
he answered, that every person might enjoy it now as in the
[times of the] Old Testament, but the real hindrance is that
men at the present time are so carnally minded.
9. Among other news which on one occasion I received
from Sweden by the post, was the announcement of the death
of Swedenborg’s sister, the widow Lundstedt [see Note 5, D].
I communicated this at once to a Swedish traveller whose
name was Meyer, who was at my house at the time. He
immediately went to the Assessor, and on his return said,
that there was no truth in Swedenborg’s allegation that he
had intercourse with the dead, since he knew nothing of the
death of his sister. I told this to the old gentleman when
he said, "The man ought to know that I have no knowledge
of such cases, except so far as I desire to know about them."
10. The celebrated Springer,121 who is still living in London,
informed Swedenborg that a distinguished Swedish gentleman,
whose name I believe was Höpken,* had died. Some days
afterwards, when they met again, the Assessor said to him,
"It is true that the gentleman in question is dead ; I have
conversed with him, and have learned that you and he were
comrades in Upsal, and that afterwards you had partly similar,
and partly dissimilar views on matters of the Diet ;" he also
related several anecdotes about him which Springer found to
be true, and with which he believed he could have become
acquainted only from above ; on this account he became a
11. When Assessor Swedenborg, on one occasion, was about
to depart from London to Sweden, and had agreed with a
* This gentleman was probably a younger brother of Count A. J. von
Höpken, named Ulric Frederic, who was a royal chamberlain, and died
in 1768.

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