- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 310.] 867
wanting, but from many places in the Codex it is made plain what
the nature of its contents was. To judge from quotations made
here and there the whole of it consisted of quotations from the
anatomists, nos. 5 to 12 from Willis,288 nos. 12 to 15 from Bartolin,290
no. 16 from Lancisi,28
285 no. 17 from Vieussens,"289 no. 18 from Ridley,291
nos. 19 to 21 from Malpighi,287 nos. 22 to 43 from Leeuwenhoek,277
and nos. 45 to 51 from Boerhave." 281 The following are the sub
jects treated in the various chapters :
1. Difference between the cortical and medullary substances,
nos. 58 to 74.
2 to 5. The disposition of the medullary substance in the cere
brum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and the spinal marrow, nos.
75 to 117.
6. Fibres of the first, second, and third order, nos. 118 to 124.
7. Nature of the medullary substance in general, nos. 125 to 132 .
8. Nature of the fibre, and the least blood-vessels (vascula) in the
brain. The former are active, the latter passive; nos. 133 to 167.
9. Least vessels (vascula) of a middle order, i. e. partaking both
of the nature of the fibres and of least blood-vessels. They are the
lymphatic vessels; nos. 168 to 187.
10. The nerves, their composition from fibres; the nervous juice,
nos. 188 to 207.
11. The tunics and ligaments of nerves, fascicles, and fibres, nos.
208 to 227.
12. The conjunctions and plexuses of fibres, fascicles, and nerves
in the brain and the body, nos 228 to 236.
13. Ganglia, nos. 237 to 240.
14. The variety of fibres, fascicles, and nerves, nos. 241 to 248.
15. The simple fibre, nos. 249 to 254.
16. The spiral flux of fibres, with an excursus on the doctrine
of degrees in forms, .nos. 255 to 273.
17to 21. The nature of the simple fibre determined , nos. 274 to 297.
22. Origin of medullary or nervous fibres from the simple fibre,
and the origin of blood-vessels thence, nos. 298 to 303.
23 and 24. The forms of the animal kingdom, and their succession
through the medium of the fibres and blood-vessels, nos. 304 to 316.
25. A definition of the soul and the body, nos. 317 and 318.
26. The circulation of the red, the purer, and the purest blood
by the blood-vessels and vessels. The circle of life through which
the intercourse between the soul and body takes place, nos. 319
to 327.
II. The tunica arachnoidea, in six chapters, nos. 328 to 369.

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