- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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868 [Doc. 310.
III. On the diseases of the fibres, nos. 370 to 561. This is the
treatise concerning which Swedenborg says in Codex 55 that it should
be read as a preface to the treatise on the diseases of the brain
contained in that codex.
The subjects treated of are the same as those which are enumerated
in Codex 55. Respecting the place which this MS. occupies among
Swedenborg’s writings, see Document 313, no. 57.
The further subjects treated of in Codex 74 are as follows:
IV. The Red Blood, pp. 24.
V. The Animal Spirit, pp. 24.
VI. Sensation or the Passion of the Body, pp. 11, not complete.
VII. The origin and propagation of the Soul, pp. 6.
VIII. Action, pp. 30.
For further particulars respecting the contents of nos. IV to
VIII, see Document 312, nos. 62-66.
IX. Fragment on the Soul. Pages 3 and 4 are missing, likewise
pp. 41 to 72, and the whole of the treatise after p. 80. This tract
is further discussed in Document 313, no. 61.
These six tracts were published in London in 1846, under the
editorship of Dr. J. J. Garth Wilkinson, in a volume entitled,
Emanuelis Swedenborgii Opuscula quædam argumenti philosophici,
pp. 15 to 122. An English translation of this volume, prepared like
wise by Dr. Wilkinson, appeared in 1847 under the title, "Posthumous
Tracts," in which the above six tracts occupy pp. 17 to 149.
"Codex 79.-Clavis Hieroglyphica."
Concerning the time of the composition of this interesting treatise,
and the place which it occupies in the Regnum Animale, and also
for further particulars, see Document 313, nos. 59 and 60.
"Codex 80.- See Codex 8."
One of the codices containing the original draught of the Arcana
Cœlestia. It contains Genesis, chapter xxii.
"Codex 81.-De Magnete."
The full title of this MS. is De Magnete et ejus qualitatibus (The
magnet and its qualities). On the title page it bears the inscription,
London, 1722 ; from which it appears that Swedenborg had intended
it for publication in that year.
This work is a digest of all that had been written up to the
author’s time on the subject of the magnet, and it consists mostly
of extracts from the works of Gilbert, Henkel, Rössler, Hoffman,
Wolf, Volkman, Valentius, and Agricola.

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