- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313.] 957
way to collect the correspondences contained in the first chapters of
Genesis, as far as chapter xv. The result of both these works is the
above volume, which appears among the Swedenborg MSS. as Codex 6.
The Index to Isaiah and Jeremiah was subsequently transferred
by the author to another volume (no. 91), wherefore it was crossed
out in Codex 6 ; but the Index to the opening chapters of Genesis
continues there entire.
For further particulars, see Document 310, Codex 6.
1747. (87.) Memorabilium pars prima (Memorabilia, Part I),
in MS.
This is the record of Swedenborg’s spiritual experiences from the
end of February, 1747,* to the beginning of August in the same
year. It constitutes nos. 1 to 148 of what is generally known as
his "Spiritual Diary." The text of this collection of Memorabilia
has not yet been found, but a very ample account of its contents is
given in the Index to the Adversaria and to the Memorabilia, Parts II
and III (Index to the "Spiritual Diary"), no. 94, and from this
Index the substance of the missing text can be reconstructed without
any very great difficulty.
The following are the contents of the missing memorabilia:
nos. 1-6. The nature of spirits ; nos. 7 and 8. About dreams ;
no. 9. About Solomon ; no. 10. Concerning the speech of spirits ;
nos. 11-16. Concerning permission ; nos. 17 and 18. The inter
course of spirits with man ; nos. 19 and 20. Concerning the Word ;
nos. 21 and 22. Concerning the mind of man ; no. 23. The restraints
of spirits ; nos. 24-27. About wisdom ; nos. 28 and 29. Concern
ing influx ; Gad and Asher ; no. 30. The language of spirits ;


Up to that time he kept the record of his spiritual experiences in the
Adversaria, no. 82, and in his "Explanation of Isaiah and Jeremiah," no. 84.
This paragraph is referred to on p. 62 of the photo-lithographed
Bible of Swedenborg, where we read, "De Gade et Aschere, vide experien
tiam, Tomus III ad finem, (concerning Gad and Asher, see the experience
at the end of Volume III). Here light is thrown on the original where
abouts of the text of this MS., viz. it was "at the end of Vol. III." By
Vol. III is no doubt meant here the Index Biblicus of the New Testament ;
see Document 304, no. 7, Vol. III, p. 780. At the end of Vol. II, (one of
the Volumes containing the Index Biblicus of the Old Testament,) the
beginning of Part II of the Memorabilia, no. 93, was contained. The
above Memorabilia, however, seem to have been removed from the Index
Biblicus of the New Testament in Swedenborg’s life-time ; for on describing
the volume containing this Index, Swedenborg’s heirs do not mention
anything about a portion of the Memorabilia being contained in it.

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