- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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958 [Doc. 313.
nos. 31-35. The Last Judgment, (here Swedenborg states that the
Last Judgment was seen by him in an effigy, such as it is described
in the Apocalypse ;) nos. 37-40. Concerning regeneration ; nos. 42-46.
Concerning the Word ; nos. 47-51. Concerning spirits ; nos. 52 and 53.
The kingdom of the Lord, and that of the devil; no. 54. The power
of love ; nos. 55 and 56. Concerning several kinds of visions ; nos. 58
and 59. More about spirits ; nos. 60-62. Concerning the Lord’s
kingdom ; no. 63. Concerning Abraham and his posterity ; nos. 64
and 65. The influx of spirits with men ; no. 66. Concerning Sweden
borg’s temptations ; nos. 67 and 68. About rule ; nos. 69 and 70.
Concerning the nature of evil ; nos. 71-75. Concerning influx ;
no. 77. Concerning simple and cunning spirits ; no. 78. The memory
ofspirits ; no. 79. Concerning the representations of spirits ; nos. 80-82.
Concerning the influx of spirits with men, (Swedenborg states here
that in his intercourse with the other world he was not there as a
spirit, but as a man; yet he could not take anything out of his own
memory from himself ;) no. 83. Concerning man’s hereditary nature ;
no. 84. Concerning light and shade ; nos. 85-87. Concerning the
speech of spirits ; nos. 88-90. Concerning dreams ; nos. 91-93.
Concerning the intercourse of spirits with men, (in no. 92 Sweden
borg describes the states of the spirits when they are with man ;)
no. 94. The spirits of the interior and exterior world of spirits ;
no. 95. Concerning the tranquillity of peace ; no. 96. The difference
of the influx of good and evil spirits with man ; no. 97. Concerning
infants or innocencies ; no. 98. The various species of love ; no. 99.
The interiors and exteriors of the Word ; nos. 100 to 102. The influx
of good and evil spirits with man, (in no. 102 Swedenborg declares
that the spirits used to call him, the wonderful one;) no. 103.
Concerning representations ; nos. 104 and 105. The influx of spirits ;
no. 110. Men in ancient and modern times ; nos. 112 and 113.
Concerning natural and spiritual riches ; nos. 114 and 115. The
interiors and exteriors of the Word ; nos. 116-121 . The presence
of spirits with men ; no. 122. The nature of spirits ; nos. 123 and
124. The presence of good and evil spirits with man ; nos. 125-128.
The nature of evil spirits ; nos. 129-131 . Man’s state in the spirit
is superior to his state in the body, (Swedenborg states here, that
it was granted him to perceive the nature of the spirits by an interior
sense, so that they could not deceive him; ) nos. 132 and 133. Nature
of evil spirits ; no. 134. A peculiar state of Swedenborg ; no. 137.
Spirits are substances and forms ; nos. 138-140. The memory, and
man’s book of life ; nos. 141 and 142. The speech of spirits among
one another and with man ; no. 143. Definition of the devil

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