- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313.] 969
For further information respecting this work see Document 310,
Codex 4.
1747 and 1748. (92.) Index Biblicus Novi Testamenti,
(Biblical Index of the New Testament), in MS. , pp. 435,
large oblong folio.
This Index, which is contained in Codex 5, is a minute Concordance
of the Four Gospels, in the following order: 1. Matthew, 2. John,
3. Luke, and 4. Mark. The Book of Revelation, on account of its
being a prophetical book, was included by the author in Index, no. 91.
The order in which the author entered the several books of the
Old and New Testaments in his Concordance, is as follows : 1. The
historical books of the Old Testament from Joshua to II Kings ;
2. Isaiah and a portion of Jeremiah ; 3. Genesis as far as chapter xvi ;
4. The rest of Jeremiah together with the Book of Lamentations ;
5. The prophets from Ezekiel to Malachi ; 6. The prophetical
chapters scattered through the historical books of the Old Testament ;
7. The Psalms ; 8. The Book of Job ; 9. The Apocalypse ; 10. Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; 11. Matthew; 12. John;
13. Luke; 14. Mark. This also is the order in which the proper
nouns of the Old and New Testaments are entered in Index, no. 90.
From the fact, however, that the names from the gospels come in that
work after those from the Old Testament, it follows that the author
compiled his Concordance to the New Testament after that to the
Old, and thus after 1748. (See no. 91.)
The value of this Biblical Concordance for the New Church is
considerable, especially because we consider it established beyond a
shadow of doubt, that, with the exception of the passages collected
from some of the historical books of the Old Testament, all the
remaining parts of this Concordance were written after August 7,
1747, and thus after the celestial degree of Swedenborg’s mind had
been opened, and he had thereby acquired the capacity of being
illuminated by the highest degree of spiritual light. We therefore
consider ourselves fully justified in maintaining that, while entering
these passages from Scripture in his Concordance, he had a full
understanding of their internal meaning, and thus was able to judge
of the correctness of the translation of the letter by examining and
testing it in the light of the spiritual sense. Swedenborg’s Biblical
Concordance, therefore, contains that version of the Sacred Scripture
which he approved while in the highest state of illumination ; and
for this reason also his Concordance was the storehouse on which
he drew for Biblical passages in the preparation of those theological
works which he wrote and published from 1747 to 1771 .

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