- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Doc. 313.] 1009
Doctrine of the New Church, understood in the Apocalypse by the
New Jerusalem ; wherein is also demonstrated, that throughout all
the Christian World the worshipping of Three Gods is received from
the Creed of St. Athanasius. By Emanuel Swedenborg, a native
of Sweden. London : Printed by M. Lewis, No. 1, Paternoster Row,
1769." Mr. Robert Hindmarsh adds to this in the Appendix to
his "Rise and Progress," &c., "M. Lewis was probably the successor
ofJ. Lewis, who announced the publication of the Arcana Cœlestia."
There is reason to suppose that Mr. Merchant, who translated
[Vol. II of the Arcana , also translated this work, and not
Mr. Cookworthy." A second English edition of this work trans
lated by Mr. R. Hindmarsh, and published at his expense, appeared
in 1789. The first German translation appeared in 1786 in
Breslau under the following title, "Emanuel von Swedenborg’s, &c.
Revision der bisherigen Theologie, sowohl der Protestanten als
der Römisch-Katholischen." This translation contained also an
answer to the question : "Whether it is a settled matter that Sweden
borg was a fanatic?" where the author showed that not a single
characteristic of a fanatic, as laid down by Less, existed in
1769. (140.) De Commercio Animæ et Corporis, quod credi
tur fieri vel per Influxum physicum, vel per Influxum
spiritualem, vel per Harmoniam præstabilitam, ab Emanuele
Swedenborg (The Intercourse between the Soul and the
Body, which is supposed to take place either by physical
influx, or by spiritual influx, or by pre-established har
mony). London, 1769.
There is reason to believe that this little work was written as an
answer to a letter addressed to the Author by the philosopher,
Emanuel Kant, as appears from Document 272, pp. 622 et seq.
Swedenborg himself wrote to Dr. Beyer respecting it as follows :
"I send you herewith a little tract which I published in London on
’The Intercourse between the Soul and the Body.’ It has been sent
to the various scientific societies and to the universities in England
and France. You will please to read the very last lines in it. This
tract is now probably translated into English" (see Document 244,
p. 307). This letter was written immediately after his return home
in the beginnning of October, 1769.
The English translation to which Swedenborg alluded above was
prepared by the Rev. Thomas Hartley, and was published in 1770
under the following title, "A Theosophic Lucubration on the Nature

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