- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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1010 [Doc . 313.
of Influx, as it respects the communication andOperation of Soul
and Body. By the Hon. and Learned Emanuel Swedenborg. Now
first translated from the Original Latin, 4to., London: M. Lewis,
1 , Paternoster Row; and W. Heard, in Piccadilly. London, 1770."
Extracts from the elaborate preface of Mr. Hartley constitute Docu
ment 259, A, pp. 500 et seq. A second English edition appeared
in 1784 under the following title: "A Theosophic Treatise on the
Nature of Influx, as it respects the Communication and Operation
of Soul and Body;" to this edition were added Sandel’s Eulogium
(Document 4), Pernety’s Account of Swedenborg (Document 6), and
seven Letters addressed by Swedenborg to various persons which are
included in our Section IX. This edition also included Mr. Hartley’s
preface addressed to the English Universities ; it was printed at the
expense of the London Printing Society. A third edition was
printed by Mr. R. Hindmarsh in 1788, at his own expense.
The first English translation was noticed in the "Monthly Review,”
for June, 1770, pp. 445-449. The reviewer in referring to the title
of the book says, "This mystical title will lead our readers to expect
somewhat rhapsodical and chimerical in the work itself; and they
will not be disappointed. It is a curious performance, and discovers
some good sense and learning in the writer, at the same time that
he appears to be a visionary and enthusiast. Several other Latin
works have been published by him, but this Lucubration, though
printed, the translator tells us, was never before published. He
addresses it particularly to the honourable and learned Universities
of this realm, and offers it to the public, chiefly, he says, as a means
to introduce the knowledge of the other Latin works of this writer,
which though long ago printed, remain yet as a treasure hidden in
a field.’ We cannot but express our doubt whether such a publica
tion would be attended with many real and solid advantages. Perhaps
it would rather tend to confuse the mind, and be a source of endless
conceits and fancies" [!].
The reviewer afterwards reproduces the greater part of Sweden
borg’s Autobiography (Document 2) affixed to Mr. Hartley’s trans
lation; and adds some of the translator’s own testimony respecting
Swedenborg’s character, and then continues, "We apprehend that
Baron Swedenborg is to be classed with Jacob Behmen, our country
man William Law (see footnote to p. 498), and other mystic writers.
Jacob, if we remember right, talks of hot, cold, dry qualities of the
soul, and if he means anything, we suppose means something of the
same kind with the present author, who appears, however, to be
much his superior in learning and abilities. Publications of this kind

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