- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Fourthly. As the correspondences in significative dreams are
according to the states of the spirits that surround man when he
sleeps, and also according to the state of his own memory, so also
the significative dreams of Swedenborg were according to the states
of the spirits by whom he was surrounded, and also according to
his own memory; for the spirits that are with man put on all the
states of his memory (cfr. Arcana Celestia no. 5853).
How the state of his own memory influenced the nature of his
dreams Swedenborg explains in the "Spiritual Diary," no. 4404,
where he says : "I dreamt again a dream, but a common one like
those of others ; I dreamt that a certain man had been speaking
with me. After I awoke I related the whole of my dream from
beginning to end. The angels said that this agreed entirely with
the things on which they had been conversing ; not indeed that these
things were identical with those that appeared in the dream, for
they were altogether different; but the thoughts of their conver
sation were turned into these things in such a manner that they
became representatives and correspondences, and indeed every least
thing, to such a degree, that there was nothing that did not coin
cide. I conversed with them on influx, and how their thoughts were
turned into entirely different things, from which it could not pos
sibly be known that they had such an origin ; and, indeed, because
the influx took place into ideas which were acquired from different
sources. For each thing with them excited something consonant
with such an idea ; this idea in the case of my dream consisted of
a person, from the acts of whose life and from conversations with
whom I had formed this idea, that he was in natural truth. The
angels had been conversing on natural truth, wherefore this person
represented, and what he spoke and acted followed in order in
a like manner. Hence may in some measure appear what the
nature of influx is ; and that that which occurs first is retained for
a subject, and that the rest follows from this subject in order ; so
that there results thence a sort of historical representation."
I. From this passage results the following first principle, according
to which Swedenborg interpreted his significative dreams in 1744,
viz., Some of the persons he saw in these dreams represent those
qualities and states which he had discovered in them, or which were
prominent in his mind when he was thinking of them.
Dr. Hesselius76 (no. 6)
Erland Broman167 (no. 19)
Anders Swab66 A (no. 48)
Sister Caisa, i. e. Catharine
with impurity.
luxury, riches, pride.
pride, arrogance.
(no. 63) ·= appearance of purity,

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