- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Dr. Moræus 66 C (nos. 76, 77) anatomy.
König, p. 82, Vol. II (no. 97) = infidelity.
Prof. Winbom¹72 (no. 97) = Divine worship.
Bergenstjerna125 (no. 136) a commission to which Swedenborg
would be appointed.
Secretary Bierchenius 139 (no. 189) the College of Mines.
Lagerberg86 and Ehrenpreus173 (no. 190) = worldly-mindedness.
II. Again we read in the "Spiritual Diary," no. 4179: "During
the whole night several of my acquaintances were around me, and
I was asleep ; I was with them and among them in my sleep under
the guise of other persons."
From this it follows that in his significative dreams Swedenborg
appeared to himself under the guise of other persons. He thus ap
peared to himself in his dreams of 1744 under the guise of Henning
Gyllenborg 170 in no. 81 ; of his brother Eliezer in no. 129 ; of his
brother Jesper in no. 132 ; of Brita Behm5º in no. 152 ; and of Didron
in no. 169.
III. In the "Spiritual Diary," no. 4191 , we read as follows:
"Again some were conversing within the sphere of the angelic spirits,
while I was asleep, and I dreamt that my father [as he was] during
life fell into the water, so that he became immersed in it ; I rescued
him from it and carried him. After I awoke they said they had con
versed on what I had written from the Word. The Word had been
previously represented with me by my father [as he had been] during
life, and thus their conversation descended into such a representative."
This statement of Swedenborg we find borne out by no. 160 of
the Diary of 1744, where we read as follows : "I saw my father in
a beautiful surplice before a congregation. This meant, that I was
then beginning to read the Bible in the evening.
IV, A. Swedenborg states in no. 149, Document 209, "All objects
of the sciences are represented to me under the form of women."
This agrees with the principle of correspondence laid down in his
theological writings, according to which virgins signify the affection
of truth (T. C. R. 205, A. E. 863, C. L. 293), and also the sciences
(A. C. 7729). The following are illustrations of this principle, in
the Diary of 1744:
In no. 9 "a number of women," and in no. 10 "a handsome woman
at a window" represented what he was writing.
In no. 80 we read of "two women, one younger and the other
older, whose hands he kissed, not knowing which of the two he
should love." His spiritual studies are represented by the one, and
his philosophical studies by the other, and he is undecided as to
which of the two he should prefer.

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