- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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IV. If now we turn to the Diary for 1744 (Document 209, no. 1) we
find that on March 25 Swedenborg, in his revision of the MS. of
Part I, had arrived at no. 272, Chapter XIII, where among other
things he treats of the state of the lungs in the embryo in the uterus
On the same day, we further read (no. 5), "he was instructed to
write and commence the epilogue of the second [first?] volume.”
This epilogue closes Vol. I (p. 424 of Latin Edition, and p. 510
of English Edition). In his revision of Part I he therefore skipped
over chapters XIV, XV, and XVI, and undertook at once the pre
paration of the epilogue with which Part I closes. That these
chapters were not revised by him, and that he had them printed
from the original MS., which he had brought from Sweden, appears
from the fact that in chapter XIV the irregularity in the numbering
of the paragraphs begins, to which we have called attention in Docu
ment 313, no. 71, p. 937.
On the following day, March 26 (no. 6), we already find him
looking forward to the preparation for the press of Part II which
treats of the lungs, and the organs leading thereto and connected
therewith; for he was then thinking of "the pulmonary artery, as
being the key to the lungs and consequently to the motion of the
whole body."
On April 12 (Document 209, no. 63), in the revision of Part II,
he had arrived at Chapter VI, where (p. 225 of the Latin Edition,
and p. 290 of the English Edition) the function of the thymus
gland and of the succenturiate kidneys is discussed, and where
(no. III) almost the identical words are used which occur in the
Diary for 1744 (no. 63).
On April 15 (Document 209, no. 77) Swedenborg was engaged
in preparing for the press the new chapter on the diaphragm where
(pp. 238 to 250 of Latin Edition, and pp. 310 to 323 in the English
edition) the muscles in general are treated of; for on that day, as
appears from the Diary for 1744 (no. 77), he "was to inform himself
about the muscles and explore them."
On April 16 (Document 209, nos. 80 and 81) we find him already
engaged on the epilogue to Part II, where (pp. 269 to 285 of the
Latin Edition, and pp. 346 to 366 of the English Edition) he
"returns to the things of the memory and imagination, and to the
upper and lower faculties," i. e. where he leaves the things of the
body and approaches again those of the mind and of the soul.
V. After finishing Part II, according to the programme laid down
in the beginning of Part I, he ought to have taken up Part III
which was to treat of "the heart, the arteries, the veins, and the
blood;" or as this subject had been fully discussed by him in Part I

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