- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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festations of the one and only God. This appears manifestly from
the following statements taken from the Adversaria: "That the
Creator of all or the Father, His Only-begotten or the Son, and
the Holy Spirit proceeding from both are one, and all taken together
are God, appears most clearly from Genesis i, 26, where these words
occur, ’And God said, Let us make man in our own image,’ &c., and
where the words ’let us make’ are spoken by one" (Vol. I, no. 26,
p. 41). And again, in no. 80, he says, "God Himself declares by
mouth and by writing in Genesis iii, 22, where He speaks of Him
self as One, and at the same time as several, that Jehovah God is
one in Essence, but threefold in respect to persons, viz., that there
is the Father of all of whom is predicated creation, His Only-begotten
or the Son, from whom is salvation, and the Holy Spirit, from whom
is sanctification." The function of each of the three he defines in
no. 4, p. 27, thus : "Creation itself which is the foresight and pro
vidence of all things in the Divine Mind, and thus the represen
tation, to all eternity, of the ends of the universe with the means,
is attributed to God the Father ; the Word, however, by which
creation is made or effected, is ascribed to the second person of
the Divinity or to His Only-begotten Son ; and to the Holy Spirit
the efficient cause, and hence those decrees which after being spoken
[by the Word] were also executed." And in no. 17, p. 37, he states,
that "the universe with its hosts was created by God the Father,
but effected and produced by His Son or the Word, and the Holy
II. Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The doctrine conce
ncerning the
Son of God, as entertained by Swedenborg in 1744, before his full
illustration, is stated in his "Worship and Love of God" (written in
the latter part of 1744) in these words : "In order that our Supreme
[Ruler] from His most holy sanctuary and inmost heaven, and con
sequently from His throne, might govern the universe, at His
beckoning and good pleasure, as in the first, so also in the last
things of nature, and that He might thus organize the kingdom of
heaven, He begat from eternity or before the creation of the world
the Firstborn of all the living, His Only Love, by whom spiritual
and corporeal, celestial and natural, that is living and inanimate
objects, might be united and conjoined with Himself. For nothing
conspires harmoniously in one, nor lives and is acted upon conti
nually by one spirit, nor does it struggle on towards one end, without
love, but it is discordant and falls to pieces. He, [the Only begotten,]
therefore, was born for the sake of a union and mediation between
the higher and lower things, or immediately between the Highest,
His Father, and heaven itself, i. e. the inhabitants of heaven; where

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