- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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Magazine), of which he published two volumes. This was succeeded
by the Tidningar om Lärda Saker (Literary Notices) from 1767 to
1769. From 1770 to 1772 he published the Allmänna Tidningar
(General News). In most of these journals occur stray notices and
items of news about Swedenborg and his writings, which are collected
in Documents 282 and 283. The most important testimony, however,
which Gjörwell bore concerning Swedenborg is contained in Docu
ment 251 , which contains the report of a conversation which he had
with Swedenborg in 1764 ; this he published in one of his periodicals
entitled Anmärkningar i Svenska Historien (Contributions to Swedish
History). It is impossible for us to give here a complete list of all
Gjörwell’s periodical publications, which fill several hundred volumes,
and which are a monument of industry, learning, and general in
formation, such as few men have been instrumental in setting before
the public. Yet strange to say, while he was constantly anxious
to serve the public to the best of his ability, his country did not
acknowledge his services ; for whenever there was a preferment to
be made at the Royal Library Gjörwell was passed over, and while
he held the title of Royal Librarian and did the work of the Libra
rian, others took the pay; so that he was finally compelled in 1795
to give up his place, because he could no longer afford to serve the
country for nothing, or for a merely nominal salary. Gjörwell died
in 1811, in his eightieth year.
NOTE 209.
When Gjörwell asked Swedenborg (Document 251 , no. 8) what
Professor D. Nils Wallerius busied himself with in the other world,
he said, "He still goes about and holds disputations." Nils Wallerius
was born in 1706. When he entered the University of Upsal in
1725, Wolf’s philosophy had just been received there. The young
student at once devoted himself to this branch of study, and in 1729
took his degree as master in philosophy; in 1735 he became lecturer
in philosophy, and in 1737 professor extraordinary in that depart
ment. He possessed the ability to a very high degree of presenting
clearly and concisely the principles of philosophy, and in a short
time he gathered around him a large number of pupils, so that
he was often compelled to commence his lectures at two o’clock in
the morning, and continue through the day to deliver from eight to
ten lectures. In 1748 he was promoted to the professorship of logic

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