- Project Runeberg -  Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg / Volume 2:1-2 1877 /

[MARC] Author: Johann Friedrich Immanuel Tafel Translator: John Henry Smithson
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"The fact that water, or moisture, will cause seeds to germinate,
and that some seeds will grow in water, or in air, without striking
their roots into the ground, is no valid objection, of course ; because
water and air themselves are of the earth, and, moreover, are always
more or less impregnated, by solution and exhalation, with other
earthly substances, from the essence of which this necessary subtle
sphere may emanate and impregnate the seed."
This rational explanation of the generation of plants is a complete
answer to Mr. White’s assertion (Vol. II, p. 352) : "The male secretion
corresponds to the pollen of Plants, and the seeds of Plants to the
eggs of birds, fishes, and insects.”
(2) Louis XV. - In the "Continuation concerning the Last Judg
ment," no. 60, we read, "It was granted me to speak with Louis XIV.,
grand- father of the reigning King of France .... I saw him as if
descending by steps ; and, after he descended, I heard him saying
that he seemed to himself as if he were at Versailles, and then there
was silence for about half an hour; which having passed, he said
that he had spoken with his (great) grandson the King of France
(Louis XV
), concerning the Bull Unigenitus, that he should cease
from his former design (quod desisteret a priori suo consilio), and
not accept it (et illam non acceptaret), because it would be detri
mental to the French nation. He said that he had instilled this
into his thought profoundly. This occurred in the year 1759, on
December 13, about eight o’clock in the evening."
In quoting this passage, and mentioning that the same story is
also told in the Diarium Spirituale, no. 5980, and in the Appendix,
p. 33, Mr. White says, "Swedenborg seems to be in a maze here :
the Bull Unigenitus againt the Jansenists was issued by Clement XI
in 1713 ; Louis did not die till 1715 : the Bull was therefore promul
gated in his own reign."
This question has been thoroughly investigated by Prof. Theo
philus Parsons of Harvard College, in the "New Jerusalem Maga
zine," New Series, 1877, pp. 24-29, who states that in making this
investigation he consulted many authorities, the most important of
which are Sismondi’s History of France, Lacretelle’s History of
France in the 18th century, and De Tocqueville’s reign of Louis XV.
The fullest detail of the circumstances, he says, are contained in the
work first named. The results at which he arrived, in his own
language, are as follows :
"An investigation of the facts of history shows that they are in
exact accordance with Swedenborg’s statement. The ’maze’ is not his.
"Jansenius, a Dutch theologian and a Catholic, attempted a
reform in the Church to which he belonged. His doctrines con

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