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Cs g. casing (mts).
csgt. consignment (kp).
c/sink countersink (/#£/).
csk. countersunk (met).
csk. hd. countersunk head.
C.S.T. critical solution
CSTR = C* continuous
stirred tank reactor,
ct. cent.

Ct celtium = hafnium (kem).
c.t., C|T conference terms.
C.T.C. corn trade clauses.
C.T.J. Chemical Trade

c.t.l. constructive total loss,
c.t.l.o. constructive total loss

C.T.S. cab-type sheated (shk).
c. to s. carting to shipside.
ctrs. centres.

c.t.u. centigrade thermal unit.
C.T.U. centigrade thermal

cu., cub. cubic,
cu.cm. cubic centimetre,
cu.ft. cubit foot,
cu.in. cibic inch,
cu. m. cubic metre,
cu.mm. cubic, millimetre,
cum. cumulative,
cum d., cum div. with

dividend (kp).
cum int. with interest (kp).
cum pref., cu. pf. cumulative

preferred (kp).
cur. currency.

curr., curt, current (kp, shk).

Cust. custom (sawed) (mts).

C.v., C.V. caloric value.

c.v. chief value.

Cvt. convertible (kp).

CW clockwise.

c.w., C.W. 1. continous wave;

2. commercial value.
C. Wo. cream wove (pap).
C.w.o. cash with order (kp).
C.W.P. chemical wood pulp.
C.W.S. Chemical Warfare

cwt hundredweight.
Cy. cyan,
eye. cyclopedia,
cyl. cylinders.
CZ communication zone.
C.Z. Canal Zone (Panama).


d 1. differential; 2. depth; 3.

thickness; 4. density,
d. 1. date, day; 2. deci-; 3.
decomposes; 4. derivate; 5
dextrorotary; 6. diameter; 7.
penny, pence.

D. 1. density; 2. diameter; 3.
deca; 4. doctor; 5. delivery,
da day.

d.a. direct acting; double

d/a days after acceptance.
D/A 1. deposit account (kp);
2. documentary bill for
acceptance, documents on
acceptance (kp); 3.
discharge afloat (meri); 4. days
after acceptance,
dag. decagram,
dal. decalitre,
d.b. decibel.

D.B. 1. day book; 2. deals

and battens,
d.b.a. doing business as.
D.B.B. deals, battens and

d.b.h. diameter at breast

height (mts).
dbk. drawback,
db. rts. debenture rights.
D.B.W.P. double braided

weather proof,
d.c. 1. direct current (shk); 2.
double column (kp); 3.
double conductor (shk); 4.
double cylinder; 5. drag 1.
draw coefficient.
DC. D.C. direct current.
D|C deviation clause,
d.c.c. double cotton covered.
D.C.L. Doctor of Civil Law.
D. Ch. Doctor of Surgery,
dd. delivered.

d.d. 1. day’s date, days after
date; 2. delayed delivery
(kp); 3. demand draft (kp);
4. direct deflection; 5. de
dato t. day’s date,
d/d days after date,
dd. delivered.
D.D. Doctor of Divinity.
D/D 1. demand draft; 2.
delivered at docks; 3.
delivered at destination; 4. dock

D.D.N.P. diazodinitrophenol.
DDP double diode pentode.
D.D.S. Doctor of Dental

D.D.Sc. Doctor of Dental

DDT 1. double diode triode

(rad); 2. DDT (kem).
d.e. double entry (kp).
D.E. 1. degree of elasticity;

2. Doctor of Engineering.
DE 1. District Engineer; 2.
district establishement.

deb. 1. debit; 2. debut.
Deb., Deben. debenture (kp).

dec., decomp. decomposes,
decompg. decomposing,
decompn. decomposition.

Dec. Dcember.
deg. degree,
deld. delivered,
deliq. deliquescent,
dem. demurrage (kp).
den., dens., density.
D. Eng. Doctor of

dep., dept., Dep., Dept.

der., deriv. derivative,
det. determine,
detg. determining,
detn. determination,
d.f. 1. direction finding; 2.
diversity factor; 3. dead
dft draft (kp).
dg decigram.

d.g. 1. decimal gauge; 2.

double gear,
d.h.g. double helical gear.
D. Hy. Doctor of Hygiene,
dia., diam. diameter,
diet, dictionary,
diff. difference,
dil. dilute (kem).
dild. diluted.

dild. soln. diluted solution,
diln. dilution (kem).
dim. diminution, diminutive,
dimorph. dimorphous.
DIN Deutsche Industrienorm.
disbs. disbursements (kp).
disc, discount (kp).
disch. discharge,
dissoc. dissociate (kem).
dissd., dissocd. dissociated,
dissocn. dissociation (kem).
dist. distil (kem).
distd. distilled (kem).
distg. distilling (kem).
distn. distillation (kem).
div. divided, dividend,
dk deca.
dl decilitre.

d.l.c. duolateral coil (shk).
D. Lit. Doctor of Literature.

D. Litt. Doctor of Letters,
d.l.o. dispatch loading only,
dls. dollars.

dls/shr dollars per share (kp).
dm decimetre.
DM adamsite (sota).
D.M. Doctor of Medicine. D.
Met. Doctor of Metallurgy.
D. Mus. Doctor of Music.
DMU dimethylol urea,
d.m. dry mixed.
D/N debit note.
D.N.B. dinitrobenzene (sota).
do ditto.

d.o., D|0 delivery order.
D.O. 1. delivery order (kp);

2. dissolved oxygen.
D.O.T. Department of
Overseas Trade.

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