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1455 1493

P.P. (Iat) praemissis prae-

p.p.a. per power of attorney,
p.p. billion part per billion =

0.001 mg|kg.
P.P.factor pellagra preventive
factor (= nikotiinihappo).
ppd. prepaid.

p.p.i. 1. parcel post insured;

2. police proof of interest.
P.P.I, plan-position-indicator,
p.p.m., ppm parts per million.
P.P.S. post-post scriptum.
ppt. 1. precipitate; 2. prompt

pptd. precipitated,
pptg. precipitating,
pr. 1. pair; 2. price; 3. primary,
p.r. payment received.
Pr. propyl.

Pr. ale. propyl alcohol.
PR payroll.

P.R.A. President of the Royal

prch. purchase,
precip. precipitated,
pref. 1. preface; 2. prefix,
pre-fab prefabricated house,
prep, preparation,
prepd. prepared,
prepg. preparing,
prepn. preparation,
pres. present,
press, pressure,
prin. principal, principle,
priv. private.

Proc. 1. proceedings; 2.

Prod. Production.

Prof. Professor.

prop, property.

propr. proprietor.

pro tem. (—pro tempore) pro

the time being,
pr. pf. prior preferred.
P.S. 1. postscript; 2.
Permanent Secretary.
P|S public sale,
p.s. per second,
ps. pseudo.

P.S.H. St Petersburg
Standard Hunderd.
p. sh. preferred share,
psi per square inch,
p. sol. partly soluble (kem).
P. & S. process pig and scrape

process (met).
P.S.N.C. Pacific Steam
Navigation Company.
P.SS. postscripts,
pt. 1. part; 2. pint; 3. point,
p.t. 1. point of tangent; 2.
potential transformer; 3.
private terms.
P.T.C. postal telegraph cable.
Ptg. Std. Petrograd standard

PTFE polytetrafluoethylene,

f luon.
p.t.o. please turn over,
ptldestin. port of destination,
ptjdisch. port of discharge,
pt. pf. participating preferring,
pts. pints,
p.u. power unit.
P.U.D. pick-up and delivery,
pulv. pulvis (lat — jauhe),
pun. puncheon,
pur. m. purchase money (kp).
p.v. per value.
PV pigment volume.
P.V. petite vitesse (ransk. tav.

— tavarajuna).
PVA polyvinyl alcohol.
PVC polyvinyl chloride,
pwt pennyweight,
py. pyridine (kem).
P.Y.C. pay your cash (kp).
P.X. 1. private exchange (tel);
2. please exchange.


q 1. farthing; 2. quintal.
Q 1. quenched; 2. query,

Q.A.V.C. quiet automatic

volume control,
q.b. quick break,
q.d. quadrant depression,
q.d.a. quantity discount
agreement (kp).
q.e. quadrant elevation.
Q.F. quick-firing.
Qlty. quality.

Q.P.P. quiescent push pull,
qr. quarter.

q.s. quantum sufficit (lat).
Qtd quartered (mts).
qt(s) quart(s).
qty. quantity,
qu. quarter.
Qu quinine (lääk).
quad. 1. quadrangle; 2.

qual. qualitative,
quant, quantitative,
quest, question,
quot. 1.quotation; 2. quotient,
q.v. quarter.

q.v. quod vide (lat—katso tätä)
Qy query.


r. 1. radius; 2. rear; 3. racemic.
R railway^ railroad.
R. 1. Reaumur; 2. yksiarvoisen
radikaalin merkki kem.
kaavassa; 3. radius,
ra., r.a. radioactive.
R.A. Royal Academician.
R/A refer to acceptor (kp).

rad. radius.

RADAR Radio Detection and

R.A.F. Royal Air Force (E).
Ras Railway Air Services (E).
R.A.T. Rapeseed Association

terms (kp).
r.b. roller bearing (kone).
r.c. 1. remote control; 2. rough
cutting; 3. rubber covered,
r. & c. rail and canal (kp).
R.C.A. Radio Corporation of

r.c.c. resistance capacity
coupling (rad).
R. & C.C. riots and civil

R.C.C. & S. riots and civil
commotion and strikes (kp).
red. received.

r.c. & 1. rail, canal and lake.
R.C.P. Royal College of

r.c.r. reserve current relay,
ret. receipt,
rd. 1. round; 2. rod.
r.d. running days (meri); 2.

refer to drawer.
R.D., R/D refer to drawer.
R.D.C. running down clause,
rdm. random.

R.D.V., RDV rotary dry
vacuum pump,
re. relating to.

R.E. 1. real estate (kp); 2.
Royal Engineers; 3. Royal
R/E repayable to either,
rec. 1. receipt; 2. recipe; 3.

REC Rhokana electric copper,
reed received,
recpt receipt.

rect. 1. rectangular; 2. receipt,
redisc. rediscount,
ref. refunding.

reg. 1. registered; 2. regular,

Reg., Regd. registered,
rept. receipt.

rept. o.d. receipt on delivery,
reqd required.

res. 1. resawed (mts); 2. residue

Resub. resublimed.

resp. respectively.

Retd. returned.

Rev. A/C revenue account.

revs, revolutions.

revs, per min. revolutions per

r.f., rfg. refunding,
r.f. radio frequency.
R.F. 1. rapid fire; 2. regular

r.f.c. radio frequency choke,
r.f.g. rifle fine grain.
Rfg. roofing (mts).
Rfrd referred.

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