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10 mars 1951
föras i blåsan, innan destillationen sätts igång.
Önskade azeotroper kan sedan lätt avdrivas. För
blandningar med mycket låg halt av topprodukt
kan azeotrop destillation vara billigare eller lika
billig som extraktiv även i stordrift. Ett exempel
härpå är avvattning av etanol med
bensin-ben-sen, trikloretylen eller eter som tillsats. En annan
process för samma ändamål, Hiag-processen, vid
vilken vattnets ångtryck sänks genom tillsats av
kalium- och natriumacetat, är däremot en
extraktiv destillation, som torde vara lika
fördelaktig ekonomiskt som de azeotropa
1. Benedict, M & Rubin, L G: Extractive and azeotropic
distillation. Theoretical aspects. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 41 (1945)
s. 353.
2. Dünn, C L m.fl.: Toluene recovery by extractive distillation.
Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 41 (1945) s. 631.
3. Drickamer, H G & Hummel, H H: Application of experimental
vapor-liquid equilibria to an analysis of the operation of a
com-mercial unit for the purification of toluene from petroleum. Träns.
Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 41 (1945) s. 607.
4. Buell, C K & Boatright, R G: Furfural extractive distillation
for separation and purification of C^-hydrocarbons. Ind. Engng Chem.
39 (1947) s. 695.
5. Gerster m.fl.: Ternary systems n-butan-i-butene-furfural and
isobutan-l-butene-furfural. Vapor-liquid equilibrium data. Ind. Engng
Chem. 39 (1947) s. 797.
6. Happel m.fl: Extractive distillation. Separation of
C^-hydro-carbons using furfural. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 42 (1946)
s. 189, 1001.
7. Knox m.fl.: Liquid-liquid and vapor-liquid extraction. Ind. Engng
Chem. 39 (1947) s. 1573.
8. Morrel, C E m.fl.: Purification of butadiene with cuprous salt
solutions. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 42 (1946) s. 473.
9. Smith, R B & Dresser, T: Distillation calculations in ideal and
non-ideal systems. Chem. Engng Progr. 44 (1948) s. 789.
10. Atkins, G T & Boyer, C M: Application of the Mc Cabe—Thiele
method to extractive distillation calculation. Chem. Engng Progr. 45
(1949) s. 553.
11. Mertes, T S m.fl.: Binary mixtures of butane, isobutane and
1-butene with furfural. Ind. Engng Chem. 39 (1947) s. 787.
12. Colbürn, A P & Schoenborn: The selection of "separating
agents" for azeotropic and extractive distillation and for
liquid-liquid extraction. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 41 (1945) s. 421.
13. Griswold, J m.fl.: Puré hydrocarbons from petroleum.
Separation of straight-run fractions by Distex process. Ind. Engng Chem. 38
(1946) s. 65.
14. Wohl, K: Thermodynamic evaluation of binary and ternary
liquid systems. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 42 (1946) s. 215.
15. Scheibel, E G & Friedland, D: Correlation of vapor-liquid
equilibria data for nonideal ternary systems. Ind. Engng Chem. 39
(1947) s. 1329.
16. Katz, D L & Kurata, F: Retrograde condensation. Ind. Engng
Chem. 32 (1940) s. 817.
17. Othmer, D F: Composition of vapor from boiling binary
solutions. Ind. Engng Chem. 35 (1943) s. 614.
18. Fenske M R m.fl.: Solvent separation of hydrocarbon mixtures
by vapor-liquid extraction. Ind. Engng Chem. 39 (1947) s. 1322.
19. Smith, T E & Bonner, R F: Vapor-liquid equilibrium still for
partially miscible liquids. Ind. Engng Chem. 41 (1949) s. 2867.
20. Riedeb, R M & Thomson, A R: Vapor-liquid equilibria measured
by a Gillespie still. Ind. Engng Chem. 41 (1949) s. 2905.
21. Carlson, II C & Golburn, A P: Vapor-liquid equilibria of
nonideal solutions. Utilization of theoretical methods to extend data.
Ind. Engng Chem. 34 (1942) s. 581.
22. White, R R: Vapor-liquid equilibria in non-ideal solutions.
Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 41 (1945) s. 539.
23. Drickamer, II G m.fl.: Vapor-liquid equilibria in
phenol-hydrocarbon systems. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 41 (1945)
s. 555.
24. Updike, O L m.fl.: Effect of added components ön the relative
volatility of two binary mixtures. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 41
(1945) s. 717.
25. Garner, F H: Extractive distillation. Ind. Chemist 25 (1949)
s. 238.
26. Mair, B J, Glasgow, A R & Rossini, J: Separation of
hydrocarbons by azeotropic distillation. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stånd. 27 (1941)
s. 39.
27. Scheibel, E G: Principle of extractive distillation. Chem. Engng
Progr. 44 (1948) s. 927.
28. Dicks, R S & Carlson, C S: Extractive distillation of
hydrocarbon mixtures in a packed cohimn. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem.
Engrs 42 (1945) s. 789.
29. Ewell, R II, IIarrison, J M & Berc, L: Azeotropic distillation.
Ind. Engng Chem. 36 (1944) s. 871.
30. Perry, J H: Chemical engineers’ handbook. New York 1950.
31. Robinson, C S & Gilliland, E R: Elements of fractional
distillation. New York 1939.
32. Matz, W: Die Thermodynamik des Wärme- und Stoffaustausches
in der Verfahrenstechnik. Frakfurt a. M. 1949.
33. Griswold, J m.fl.: Puré hydrocarbons from petroleum. Ind.
Engng Chem. 38 (1946) s. 65, 170; 41 (1949) s. 331, 621.
34. Drickamer, H S & Bradford, J R: Overall plate efficiency of
commercial hydrocarbon fractionating columns as a function of
vi<s-cosity. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 39 (1943) s. 319.
35. 0’connel, H E: Plate efficiency of fractionating columns and
absorbers. Träns. Amer. Inst. chem. Engrs 42 (1946) s. 741.
36. Latta, J E & Walker, S W: Commercial application of
hydrocarbon synthesis in the United States. Chem. Engng Progr. 44 (1948)
s. 176.
Patent på C^-kolväten
37. Young, C O & Perkins, G A: Process of separation of
hydrocarbons. US Pat. 1 948 777.
38. Hachmuth, K H: Furfural purification. US Pat. 2 350 609.
39. Shiras, R N & Souders, M: Extractive distillation process.
US Pat. 2 350 256.
40. Souders, M: Distill-tion process. US Pat. 2 365 912.
41. Semon, W L & Craig, D: Purification of butadiene. US Pat.
2 366 360-M32.
42. Mayfield, F D: Process for treating hydrocarbons. US Pat.
2 371 342.
43. Souders, M: Distillation process. US Pat. 2 379 110.
44. Hachmuth, K H: Butadiene production. US Pat. 2 386 310.
45. Evans, T W & Morris, R C: Separation of hydrocarbons. US
Pat. 2 389 144.
46. Patterson, J A: Separation and purification of isoprene. US
Pat. 2 407 997.
47. Hachmuth, K H: Methods of solvent extraction US Pat. 2 411 785.
48. Hachmuth, K H: Butadiene separation. US Pat. 2 415 006.
49. Wagner, C R: Separation of butenes; butane, and lighter
hydrocarbons by extractive distillation. US Pat. 2 415 921.
50. Scarth, V: Extractive distillation of hydrocarbons with
fur-fural-water mixtures. US Pat. 2 419 039.
51. Buell, C K & Weinaug, C F: Furfural recovery. US Pat.
2 436 502.
52. McKinnis, A: Extraction process. US Pat. 2 441 827.
53. Thodos, G & Weinaug, C F: Foam prevention in extractive
distillation of hydrocarbons with furfural solvents. US Pat. 2 449 427.
Patent på petroleumkolväten och andra ämnen
54. Cope, J O m.fl,: Seleclive solvent extraction of petroleum.
US Pat. 2 215 915.
55. Dunn, C L & Conaughy, R B: Recovery of puré aromatics.
US Pat. 2 288 126.
56. Durrum, E L: Distillation process. US Pat. 2 325 379.
57. Shiras, R N & Johnson, A J: Solvent extraction process. US
Pat. 2 357 028.
58. Gage, W P: Method of solvent recovery in vapor phase
extraction processes. US Pat. 2 370 530.
59. Re ad, C L: Vapor phase extraction. US Pat. 2 391 104.
60. Swaney, W J: Separation of hydrocarbons. US Pat. 2 378 808.
61. Pierotti, G J: Extractive distillation process. US Pat. 2 455 803.
62. McKinnis, A C: Hydrocarbon separation by azeotropic
distillation. US Pat. 2 461 993.
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