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of the ancient frithiof-saga
IN Sognefylke, near the holy grove of Balder, dwelt King Bele;
two sons had he, Helge and Halfdan, and moreover a daughter,
Ingeborg the Fair. When he came to die, Bele warned his sons
to keep up friendship with the mighty Frithiof, a son of his friend
Thorsten, who was the son of Viking. But the young Kings
refused scornfvilly FrithioPs wooing for their sister’s hand, and so he
vowed revenge, and that he never would come to their assistance.
Soon after it came to pass that, when King Hring made war
against them, they sent to ask aid from Frithiof: he was playing
chess, and let himself not be one whit disturbed by their
Hring conquered, and made the brothers promise Ingeborg* s
hand to him.
Meanwhile Frithiof had gone to see Ingeborg in Balder’s
temple (which was a forbidden deed), and there he exchanged rings
with her, for to him the love of Ingeborg was far weightier matter
than the favor of Balder.
To punish him for this contempt of the shrine of Balder, the
Kings laid upon Frithiof the task of going to the Faroes, and
demanding a tribute. So Frithiof, with his foster-brother, set sail in
the ship Ellida, the best in all the North; a ship which all said
could understand the voice of men. All in the midst of the storm
Frithiof spoke of his Ingeborg. At last, when the good ship was
near sinking, he hewed Ingeborg’s ring in pieces, that his men
might not want gold when they went down to Rana’s dwelling
(she was goddess of the Sea). Afterwards, when they had
overcome a pair of storm-sprites, which rode on whales against them,
the storm sank down, and they approached the Faroes, where Yarl
Angantyr let him take the tribute for friendship’s sake, and so he
When he came back, he heard that the Kings had burned his
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