- Project Runeberg -  Year-book of the Swedish-American Historical Society / Volume 10 (1924-1925) /

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Treasurer of the Society, and also a Secretary, a Librarian and
such other officers and assistants as are deemed necessary, and
may fix their compensation.

58. The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall constitute
a standing Committee on Membership. The Council shall also
appoint the following standing committees : A Finance
Committee, a Publishing Committee, a Committee on Relations with
Other Organizations, and a Committee on Library and Museum.
The President. Vice President. Secretary, Treasurer, and three
other Councillors elected by the Council shall constitute the
Executive Committee of the Society.

59. Special meetings may be called by the Council, and shall
be called by the President on the request of ten members.
The annual meeting of the Society shall be held at such time
and place as the Council may determine. At least one month’s
notice shall be given for all meetings, and the call for a special
meeting shall specify the business for which it is called ; no
other business than that which has been stated in the call for
such special meeting may be transacted.

Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum of the Society,
and five Councillors a quorum of the Council.

510. No part of the collections of the Society, except
duplicate material in the library museum, shall ever be dispersed.
Duplicate material may be used for purposes of exchange at
the discretion of the Council. If the Council at any time deems
it advisable to deposit with some other institution the library
or other collections of the Society, it shall call a special meeting
of the Society to take action in the matter.

In case of a dissolution of the Society its funds, library and
other collections shall be given In perpetual trust to some public
library or other permanent Institution or institutions as the
Council may direct.

511. Amendments to this constitution may be made by a
two-thirds vote of those present at an annual meeting of the
Society, provided that notice of the amendments be sent to each
member at least thirty days before its adoption.


1. The Council shall hold three regular meetings a year,
one as soon as practicable after the annual meeting of the
Society, one in June and one in December, at such time and
place as the Executive Committee may determine; and special
meetings, as decided by the Executive Committee or at the
request of the President or of three members of the Council.

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