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William Foote Whyte

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Whyte, William Foote, sociologist, writer, USA.

William Foote Whyte has been described as "a great social scientist (who describes himself as a "behavioral scientist, concentrating on the study of organizations") best known for his 1943 book, Street Corner Society".


Street corner society : the social structure of an Italian slum, Chicago, 1943
Industry and society, New York, 1946
Human relations in the restaurant industry, New York, 1948
Pattern for Industrial Peace, 1951
Leadership and Group Participation, 1953
Money and Motivation. An Analysis of Incentives in Industry, 1955
Man and Organization. Three Problems in Human Relations in Industry, 1959
Men at Work, 1961
Action Research for Management. A Case Report on Research and Action in Industry, 1965
Toward an integrated theory of development : economic and noneconomic variables in rural development, 1968
Organizational Behaviour. Theory and Application, 1969
Organizing for agricultural development : human aspects in the utilization of science and technology, 1975
Power, politics and progress : social change in rural Peru, 1976
Participatory Approaches to Agricultural Research and Development, 1981
William Foote Whyte and Damon Boynton (editors), Higher-yielding human systems for agriculture, 1983
Worker Participation and Ownership. Cooperative Strategies for Strengthening Local Economies, 1983
Learning from the Field. A Guide from Experience, 1984
Warner Woodworth, Christopher Meek, William Foote Whyte (editors), Industrial Democracy. Strategies for Community Revitalization, 1985
Participatory Action Research, 1991
Social Theory for Action. How Individuals and Organizations Learn to Change, 1991
Participant Observer. An autobiography, 1994
Creative Problem Solving in the Field. Reflections on a Career, 1997

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