- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"Yes, I follow my physician’s advice. #te recommends
Stroemstad as the most beneficial bathing-place for my son.
But where is the boy# Ah! he bas already renewed his ac-
quaintance with your lady daughter. Oh! how happy he will
be fo continue if in Stroemstad !".
"Oh, certainly, with much pleasure fo myseff also," replied
Amelial but ber father, who did hot know whether this could
be done, until he had seen Borgenstierna in certain circles,
replied, as ff accidentally, and as though he had hot overheard
the ]ast words :
"We h#ve hot heard of you in Uddevalla, i#1 spire of out
most urgent inquiries."
""[ only remained af Uddevalla a shirt rime; rested for some
rime af Qu]stm#m on account of Alfred’s health; and, a few
hours ago, caused a post-ticket fo be sent from there in advance.
:But ]: see people coming fo your assistance, and hope that the
accident will soon be remedied."
:Borgenstiel#na now took leave of them, after the lieutenant-
colonel had commissioned him, if rime would permit, fo order u
couple of neat rooras for him af Stroemstad.
]#orgenstierna promised, of course, fo attend to every#hing in
the best manner. Alfred cried, because Amelia would hot go
along with him; but was soon (luieted, howevcr, by the promise
that he should soon see ber again. "I do hot see how I could
bave remained so composed," thought :Borgenstierna, "but my
blood, nevertheless, boiled in my veins, the saine as if did the
night he struck me. The fool is still as high-strung as he was
ai that rime. ]: recognised him in a moment. The anger fo
renew au acquaintance with the skjuts-boy, I shall bave to spare
him until a more favourable and appropriate rime. ]:f that
once cornes, then shall his cursed pride of nobility receive a
severe blow."
"Ammy will soon corne after us, wont she#" cried Alfred,
endeavouring fo look around after ber.

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