- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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formindskede Riggen og foretog Forandringer ved
Apteringen, saaledes at der blev Plads for de til Expeditionen
hørende Videnskabsmænd og deres Arbejder, foruden til
Officierer og Mandskab samt stort Rum til Kul, vilde man
faa et Fartøj, som i saadant Vejr, som udfordres til de
videnskabelige Arbejder, kunde manøvreres fuldstændigt for
Maskinen, og i mere uroligt Vejr kunde manøvreres som
Sejlskib, hvorved Betingelserne altsaa vare givne for den
størst mulige Kulbesparelse og Kulbeholdningens Forslag
for en længere Tid, noget som var nødvendigt for
Expeditionen Arbejder ude paa det aabne Hav langt fra
Kuldepot. Omkostningerne ved en saadan Forandring er af
Nylands Verksted beregnet til 17,000 Spd. Skulde tillige ny
Maskine udfordres, hvad der neppe er nødvendigt, ville
Udgifterne stige til henimod 25,000 Spd.

C. Man kunde leje et Dampskib for den Tid, der
var nødvendig for Expeditionen hver Sommer, saa længe
den varede. Omkostningerne herved er det ikke muligt at
opgive, da disse dels ville bero paa Conjuncturerne, dels
være afhængige af de Indredninger, som Fartøjet nødvendig
maatte gives, for at være skikket til Expeditionsfartøj.

Af disse tre Alternativer er det første det mest
anbefalelsesværdige, da det vilde give den største Frihed med
Hensyn til det hele Arrangement. I denne Henseende er
man noget bundet ved Alternativ B, og i højeste Grad ved
Alternativ C. Ved dette sidste havde man endog den
ubehagelige Risico, at maatte foretage nye Foranstaltninger
for hver Gang. Expeditionen skulde udrustes, og kunde
aldrig gjøre Regning paa hver Gang at faa beholde det
samme Skib.

Næst Skibet udfordres der til Expeditionen Øjemed
en hel Del Apparater, som Dybvandsliner til forskjelligt
Brug (Temperatur. Skrabninger, Strømundersøgelser)
Lodder, Patentblokke, Accumulatorer, Thermometre, Skraber,
Net, fysiske (magnetiske) Apparater, Glas, Spiritus m. m.
Efter velvillig Opgave af Capt. Davis af det Britiske
Admiralitets hydrografiske Afdeling vil man kunne udruste et
mindre Skib med de for Dybvandsundersøgelser nødvendige
Apparater for en Sum af 1,000 til 1,200 Lstrl. eller 4,500
til 5,400 Spd.

Omkostningerne ved at holde Expeditionen ude,
nemlig Hyre, Kost, Kul, Vedligeholdelse m. m. ere af
Capitainlieutenant C. Petersen, der velvillig har bistaaet os ved
Udarbeidelsen af disse Overslag, beregnede til 2000 Spd.
pr. Maaned. Dette giver for en Tid af 2½ Maaned en
Sum af 5000 Spd. aarlig.

Hvormange Sommere, der ville medgaa, førend
Expeditionen hele Øjemed var naaet, er det ikke muligt paa
Forhaand at sige. Det kommer her saa meget an paa
hvilke Forhold man ved Undersøgelserne finder og
hvorledes Vejret arter sig. Vi tro dog, at man i 2 meget


boilers, less heavily sparred, and fitted up below deck in
such manner as to afford room alike for the personal
accomodation of the members of the Expedition, and for such
part of their work as could be done on board, as also for
the officers and crew, together with stowage for coal, the
“Alfen” would be a vessel which, in weather admitting of
the scientific exploration of the ocean, might be worked
as a steamer, and, in a heavier sea, as a sailing-ship, thus
securing the conditions requisite for the greatest possible
economy in the consumption of fuel, and for adjusting the
stock of coal to the length of the period during which the
Expedition would have to cruise in the open sea, far from
any coaling-station. The cost of such alterations has been
estimated by the Manager of the Nyland Works at Spd.
17,000. New engines — which however will hardly be
wanted — would raise the outlay to about Spd. 25,000.

C. A steamer might be chartered every summer for
the period over which the cruise of the Expedition would
extend. As regards the cost, nothing definite can be stated,
since the amount must depend partly on the state of the
freight-market, and partly on the expense entailed by
adapting the vessel to the requirements of the Expedition.

Of these three alternatives, the first is, in our
judgment, the most desirable, admitting as it does of greater
freedom in the general arrangement. The character of the
second alternative, B, would, to some extent, be found
restrictive in its operation; but the third alternative, C,
might, if selected, lead to serious inconvenience and
uncertainty, involving as it would the risk of new arrangements
having to be made for each successive cruise, since the
Expedition could hardly rely on being able to retain during
the whole period of its duration the vessel originally chosen.

Next in importance to the ship, are the apparatus
and appliances of various kinds with which the Expedition
would have to be furnished, such as deep-sea lines for
divers purposes (temperature, dredging, investigation of
currents), sounding-leads, patent blocks, accumulators,
thermometers, dredges, nets, physical (magnetical)
instruments, glass jars, tubes, &c.. and spirits of wine. &c., &c.
According to a statement kindly furnished by Captain
Davis of the Hydrographic Department of the British
Admiralty, a vessel of moderate size might be fitted out
with the instruments and apparatus necessary for such
an Expedition at a cost of from 1000l. to 1200l. (Spd.

As regards the current expenses of the Expedition,
viz. for seamen’s wages, rations, coal, wear and tear of
vessel, &c. &c., these are put by Commander C. Petersen,
R. N., who has kindly assisted in furnishing the above
estimates, at Spd. 2000 a month. Hence, according to
this calculation, the cost of a 2½ months’ cruise would be
Spd. 5000.

How many summers would elapse ere the object of
the Expedition had been fully attained, it is of course
impossible to state beforehand, so much must necessarily
depend on the proportions the investigation would assume,
and on the weather. Meanwhile, your memorialists are of

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