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1433 > causes of, 974-979 s
distortion of,
967-970 j
Negroes as victims of, 65 6 j
types of, 972-974.
Crime, and social conditions, 557
Crime news, 655-656, 918
Crime prevention, 544-
545> 555-557
Crime statistics, 33on., 542n., 553-5545
criticism of, 967-970, 972
Crisisy 820, 821, 909, 914
“Crisis” theory of social change, io5on.,
Crop diversification, 253, 1238
Crop restriction program, 488, 558, 1183
Crossbreeding j
see Amalgamation
Crumpacker Resolution, 1334
Cullen, Countee, 989
Cultural diversity, 3-5, 17
Cultural lag, 930, 962, 1388
Cultural level, raised, 592, 645-647
Cultural similarity of Negroes and South-
ern whites, 7 on.
Cultural unity, xlviii, 1029
Culture, African, 747-748, 752-753, 928
Culture, American: absorption of, by Ne-
groes, 38, 657, 81 1, 879, 928-929} and
education, 882-886} fragmentation of,
713, 714} influence of Negroes on, 38}
traits of, 709-716, 810-812, 882-886
Culture, Negro, characteristics of, 689-705,
750-754, 915-920, 930-942, 952-955>
Culture, political, 853, 856
Culture, Western, 1356
Cumulation, principle of} see Vicious circle,
theory of
Cuney, N. W., 478
Custom and economic discrimination, 215-
Cynicism, Negro, 959
Dabney, Virginius, 468, 1013} cited, 398,
454, 457, 1324} on criticism of the
South, 1321 } on equal suffrage, 1334} on
Jim Crow laws, 589} on justice for Ne-
groes, 547} on poll tax, 4830.} on segre-
gation, 1355} on training school for de-
linquents, 1368} on women’s rights in
ante-bellum South, 1074-1075
Dairy farming in the South, 235, 252
Dancing: interracial, 608, 61 o} Negro pro-
fessional, 988} as recreation, 985
Daniel Hand Fund, 8910.
Daniels, Jonathan, 468
Daniels, Josephus: cited, 447} quoted, 226
Davenport, C. B., and Love, A. G., cited,
Davis, Allison: cited, 495, 691, 861, 8700.-
8710., 872n., 875, 940, 941, 954n.} on
emotionalism, 936n.-937n.
Davis Allison, and Dollard, John: cited,
1361} on class concept, 673, 1377-1379}
on color of school children, 1429} on
“legal” lynching, 1350} on Negro atti-
tudes toward caste, 1372} on Negro lower
class, 1386
Davis, Allison, Gardner, B. B., and Gard-
ner, M. R.: cited, 241, 245, 247, 489,
700, 732, 935, 963, 1238, 1361} on
cheating of Negroes, 1242} on class con-
sciousness, 1378} on color, 1382-1383}
on justification of petty theft, 1434} on
Negro attitude toward color, 1192} on
Negro lower classes, 1386} on Negro-
white tension, 677-678} on police atti-
tudes toward Negroes, 1342} on punish-
ment of Negroes, 1340} on race pride,
1396} on relations between Negroes and
lower class whites, 1358} on social classes,
1130 n.} on taboo of miscegenation and
illegitimacy, 1384} on tenancy, 1242-1243
Davis, Jackson, 890, 891
Davis, Jefferson, on slavery, 442-443
Davis, John P., 817, 1401
Davis, Michael M., on public health pol-
icy, 1274
Dawson, William, 50 in.
Day, Caroline Bond, cited, 129, 1205, 1207
Dayton trial, 458, 660
Death penalty, 554, 566n.
Death rate, Negro, 122, 316, 344, 1215,
1221-1223, 1224, 1225} control of, 171-
175} decline in, 141 }
future, 134} of
slaves, 121, 1201-1202} and white, 141-
142, 161-165
Deaths, registration of, 159, 1218, 1221-
Debt peonage, 228-229, 247-248, 1090,
1236-1237, 1242, 1345
Decentralization of politics in the South, 474
Declaration of Independence, 6-7, 8
Defeatism: economic, 1001 }
19-21, 831} Negro struggle against, 758-
759, 786} political, 812
Defense plants} see War production
Defense reactions (^see also Rationalization) :
Negro, 5^-57> 143^5 white, 30-32,
88, 1 04-105, 283-284, 441-445, 460,
Delany, Martin, 737
Delaware: death penalty in, 554} Negro
police in, 543n.} transportation Jim Crow
optional in, 635
Democracy: America’s contribution to soci-
ety, 5} and American Creed, 25, 783}
building of, 6-7} to combat ignorance,
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