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384} and education, 6745 the free recog-
nition of ability, 6725 importance of, to
Negroes, 6565 issue of, in World War II,
517, 1004, 1007, 101 2 j
Jeffersonian, 433-
434 j
and justice, 523-5265 maintained
through electoral controls, 717, 7185 and
moral education, 10295 Negroes and 745,
8505 postulates of, 85 post-war, 1021-
10245 public institutions, 5825 reac-
tion against, 4335 and religion, 9, 867-
868, 141 1 5 revival of, 43i-437> 7^6, 745,
7555 and slavery, inconsistency between,
855 in the South, 440-441, 460-4615
theory of, 78-805 in trade unions, 406,
407, 718
Democratic party: Negro support of, 479^.,
492n., 494-495> 497 i
in the South, 452-
4S5> 463, 464, 465, 474, 475, 477, 480,
Demonstration projects, birth control,* 1228-
Dempsey, Jack, 9910.
Denominations, Negro religious, 936, 939
Dentists, Negro, 172, 325, 638, 1224
Deportation 5
see Back-to-Africa movement
Depression 5 see Great Depression
Detroit: clashes between Negroes and police
in, 527, 528, 5290.5 housing project riot
in, 568, 678, 13375 Ku Klux Klan influ-
ence in, 4105 Negro population in, 13265
Negro vote in, 494, 1328, 13295 racial
friction in, 6625 restriction of Negroes
in, 5275 Southem-bom policemen in,
Detweiler, Frederick G.: cited, 909, 912,
9220., 14235 on Negro press as race or-
gan, 908
Dewey, John, 10310., 11835 on the Ameri-
can Creed, 235 on educational philosophy,
882-8835 on moral nature of the social
problem, xlvii5 on political organization,
Dickerson, Earl, 987
Dickinson, R. L., and Morris, W. E., on
contraception, 1228
Diet, Negro, 374, 375, 1*90
Differentials: age, within class structure,
1x3x5 in employment rates, 297-2985 fer-
tility, 1340., 12x25 in food consumption,
12895 in illegitimacy, 9335 income, 164-
165, 2x5, 3x9-320, 1094-1095, 1096,
1099, 1XX2-IXX3, xxx6-ixx 7, 1x24,
1232-12335 in punishment, 14335 in re-
lief treatment, 1995 in treatment by in-
surance companies, 3x65 in school ex-
penditures, 337, 338-34x5 in susceptibility
to disease, 12x4-12155 in treatment by
F.S.A*, ^274-1755 in t^reatment of wit-
nesses, 526-5275 in vocational training,
Differential reproductivity, 1 31-132, 134-
Dillard, James H., 89
Disciples of Christ, 938
Discontent, Negro {see also Protest, Negro)
26, 459, 525, ^45, 744-745, 7495 fostered
• by education, 879
Discrimination, 29, 58, 214-2x5, 928, 1063,
X1415 in armed forces, 744, 850, 1005,
1308-13095 in availability of medical fa-
cilities, 1725 beginning of, in slavery,
577-5785 class, in Europe, 6705 in com-
mercial establishments, 637, 6385 eco-
nomic, 6x, 65, 67, X06-107, 199, 208,
fi5, 312-313, 3^^7-328, 380-396, 5885
in education, 6x, 65, 107, 337-344, 632-
633, 888, 893, X3675 effect of, on health,
3445 effect of, on whites, 643-6445 fac-
tors bolstering, 3825 facts and beliefs re-
garding, 605-606 5 and federal aid to edu-
cation, 9055 future, 9045 in housing,
107, 196, 348-353, 527} “indirect,” 277,
3585 in interpersonal relations, 606-6185
against Jews, 285 in justice, 523-534,
588, 967, 968-969, 974, 999> 1335-1337
legislation against, 418, 13675 in long-
shore work, 10985 against minority
groups, 52, 535 motivation for, 335-3365
in the North, 66-67, 599-^04, ^09,
6x2-613, ^14, 6x7-618, 722, 999, xoio-
loix, 13675 one-sidedness of, 7995 by
police and courts, 527, 534, 550-5535 po-
litical {see also Disfranchisement, Negro)
107, 274, 429, 459, 5885 President’s Or-
der abolishing, in defense jobs, 412, 4x4-
4*7, 8515 in prisons, 5555 protest against,
see Protest, Negro 5 in public places, 6x,
65, 628, 6625 in public services, 169,
*70, 334-337, 588, 1000-X00X5 rank or-
der of, 60-67, 587-588, 6o8n., 11425 ra-
tionalization of, 88, io2-xo6, 145, 208,
215-219, 283-284, 392, 59X, 660, 784,
897, 928, 10775 in recreational facilities,
346-3485 in relief, 356, 5885 by semi-
public organizations, 631, 13675 sensi-
tiveness of Negroes to, 761-763, 9585 so-
cial, 573> 574. 5,7. 5*8. 599-6o4, 9998
trend away from, 65-66, 924, 998, 1010-
101x5 unemployment a result of, 9985 in
unions, 408, 1103, 1296-13005 **voca-
tional” education a rationalization for,
8975 wage, 319-320, 1094-1095, 1096,
1099, 1112-1113, 1116-1x17, 11245 in
war plants, 415-4x8, 851, 1005, 1301-
13025 in the West, 200
Discussion of Negro problem, etiquette of,
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