Revision 1.18 1999-05-25
Short preface with table of ornaments.
Numerous changes, both visual and internal.
Affetuoso -> Affettuoso.
Editorial accidental in movement 2, bar 20 changed.
Many cosmetic changes with slurs, dots and accidentals.
Revision 1.13 1999-03-12
Compatible with modern (1.43) PMX.
Editorial accidental movement 1, bar 48.
Better layout in movement 1, bar 42-43.
Tie in movement 3, bar 23-24.
New footer format.
New frontpage. No more nonstandard fonts, and with the same
look as other editions from me.
Revision 1.6 1997-08-11
Some spacingproblems fixed.
Some editorial additions (accidentals).
Revision 1.4 1997-08-09
Many small spacingproblems fixed.
Some editorial additions.