Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - Oct. 29, 1850, at Galena - Nov. 3
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Jenny Lind, the new Slave Bill, and the protests
against it in the Northern, Eastern, and Western
States—these and the Spiritual Rappings are the
standing topics of the newspapers.
Nov. 3. Yes, in this Great West, on the shores
of the Great River, exist very various scenes and
peoples. There are Indians; there are squatters;
there are Scandinavians, with gentle manners and
cheerful songs; there are Mormons, Christian in
manners, but fanatics in their faith in one man
(and Eric Jansenists are in this respect similar to
the Mormons); there are desperate adventurers,
with neither faith nor law, excepting in Mammon
and club-law; gamblers, murderers, and thieves,
who are without conscience, and their number and
their exploits increase along the banks of the
Mississippi the further we advance south. There are
giants, who are neither good nor evil, but who perform
great deeds through the force of their will,
their great physical powers, and their passion for
enterprise. There are worshipers of freedom
and communists; there are slave-owners and
slaves. There are communities who build, as bees
and beavers do, from instinct and natural necessity.
There are also clear-headed, strong and pious men,
worthy to be leaders, who know what they are
about, and who have laid their strong hand to the
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