- Project Runeberg -  The esoteric meaning of the seven sacraments. The ancient therapeuts. /

(1910) [MARC] Author: Mary Karadja
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What a strange conception such fanatics must have
of a God whose attributes are Justice and Mercy !
How is it possible that a SANE man can believe that the
expenditure or non-expenditure of a base coin can have
the power of affecting for all Eternity the fate of a
human soul ! !
Augustine held that all unbaptized infants would
perish everlastingly. It is stated in Scripture :
are saved by the laver of regeneration " (Tit. iii. 5).
These words do not at all imply that the myriads who
are not " saved " shall perish.
The fate from which we are " saved " through
Heavenly Father’s educational methods are full of
wisdom. Those children who fail to learn their lesson
properly are not punished " everlastingly." Nay ! they
are simply obliged to perform the same task over and
over again, under more and more painful conditions,
until they have finally grasped the signification of the
word Duty. The first lesson to be learned on this
planet consists in absolute submisssion to the Divine
Will. Each soul which murmurs in its darkest hours
" Thy Will be done " ! is regenerated. The most
difficult part of its education is accomplished : it has
ascended on to the first rung of the Ladder, and the
eager hands of invisible Helpers are ever ready to assist
its ascension, until the Soul is made " perfect " and has
become ripe for Immortality.

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